California Dreamin'~7

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All my ugly

Rin had been directed to her temporary room, since the gang had to discuss work and she wasn't exactly trustworthy

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Rin had been directed to her temporary room, since the gang had to discuss work and she wasn't exactly trustworthy. She sat, alone, upon her bed as she stared at the wall, devoid of any entertainment as she remained trapped in her thoughts.

She considered trying to escape, but she knew nothing about the house she was in, and it was practically a huge maze. She pondered if she could get through the window, but after glancing out of it, she realized that she was three stories up, and she didn't want to fall that far down, so she was stuck.

She fell into her back as defeatist thoughts jolted through her head, and she ran a stressed hand over her head.

Without her out there, she couldn't work, which meant that she couldn't get money, which resulted in her dad having even more financial issues. She needed to help him, and she felt so trapped and worried as he was probably stressing over her disappearance and how to pay the bills.

Gosh, whenever she got out, she thought, she would need to work three jobs to make up for it all.

Would she get out?

She closed her eyes tightly as she tried to stay positive, but her mind was swallowed by pessimistic statements, and only now did she realize how much she missed everything she used to have.

She missed her late night conversations with Sooyoung, awaiting her father's return from work, and the way he smiled whenever he saw her. The moment he slouched through the door- tired and languished- a wide grin never failed to lighten up his face whenever she greeted him in, no matter how bad their situation was.

She would do anything to see that smile right now.

But no, she might never see her father again.

She felt tears prick her eyes, and she tried to hold them in, but the pure anguish that filled her mind. She wanted to disappear, she wanted to run home, she wanted to wake up in her family's arms.

She felt despair weigh down her limbs as a tear streaked down her cheek, and she sniffles others back, trying not to cry, but it was too late.

"Can you stop being emotional? I'm trying to work!" Chenle called from the living room, his voice barely reaching her ears as it traveled down the long hallway.

Chenle, too, now had tears welling in his eyes, but they weren't his- they were her's. He harshly sighed in agitation, wiping them from his face quickly, and glaring at his subordinates as they watched him with wide eyes.

Sniffing back her emotions, she took a moment to collect herself, taking deep breaths. Once she trusted her voice enough, she opened her mouth, but hesitated before speaking.

"Yeah, sorry!" She shouted shakily, and Chenle nodded in content as his eyes began to dry.

"Gosh, how do you deal with this?" Chenle seethed quietly, shooting Jaemin a glance.

"I think it's beautiful how connected soulmates are. The bond doesn't only connect your fate, but your emotions- isn't that nice?" Jaemin responded, sighing heavily.

Chenle glared at him sharply, letting his words sink in, and his eyes narrowed.

"I think you're crazy," Chenle uttered, and Jaemin met his gaze.

"Just remember that you're lucky you can talk to your soulmate whenever you want," Jaemin grumbled, and Chenle's head tilted slightly.

"It's not as great as made out to be," Chenle groused, and Jaemin scoffed, but didn't continue the conversation.

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