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If you know the beds that I've been in

Chenle's chest rose and fell with utter, degrading stress as it clogged his senses- causing a quiet  droning to buzz through his ears, drowning out his gang members' voices

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Chenle's chest rose and fell with utter, degrading stress as it clogged his senses- causing a quiet droning to buzz through his ears, drowning out his gang members' voices.

Arms still securely placed around Rin's waist, courtesy of Taeyong, Chenle's eyes shook in discomfort as his mind blasted into overdrive, making overthink everything, including the imaginary breeze that sent goosebumps upon his skin.

Jaw clenching as he desperately tried to ignore Rin's existence, Chenle's stare avoided every moving thing in the room, directing his gaze to the floor as his left eye twitched in reaction to his chaotic thoughts.

Gulping down his fear, the boy forced himself to redirect his gaze to Taeyong, who was explaining a method to enter the enemies' headquarters.

For Chenle, coping meant working, and what better way to take his mind off of Rin and Iseul than forcing himself to do labor?

Sighing harshly, the boy subtly leant forward in an attempt to listen to the groups' words, but only attracted Rin's attention, who glanced at his visibly uncomfortable face.

Accidentally meeting her gaze, the boy pursed his lips together as his stomach churned with anxiety, which Rin felt, but thought it was unrelated to her.


"I know, this means nothing," She sighed, her eyes falling away from him, "Orders. Weird order, but still."

Chenle slightly nodded, forcing his eyes back onto the group in front of him.

His intestines writhed as small, deadly spiders creeped through his stomach, poisoning his mind to wilt into pessimism, to the point he questioned death itself.


Such a abhorrent crime was unspeakable; it deserved the worst punishments in existence.

That's what Iseul had taught him, at least.

This- being with Rin- felt like treason, and he felt dirty, guilty, and like a child who had just disobeyed it's parents- awaiting trouble to engulf him.

"You can enter through the back here..."
"Betrayed each other? Really?"
"Me and Haechan could probably get this done..."

His eyes widened a fraction, and his stomach lurched- the undeniable guilt that thrashed through his intestines crushing his heart.

Chest rising and falling heavier than usual, the boy's eyes darted around the room- half expecting to see the girl that haunted him watching him, waiting.

Heart ricocheting within his rib cage like a bullet in a metal container, he suddenly felt lightheaded, almost as if making the passed Iseul unhappy made him physically sick.

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