Gutter Girl~78

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When I open up

Rin froze a moment, frantic, worried movements ceasing for an eternal split-second, eyes burning holes through her hands as they hovered besides Chenle's head injury

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Rin froze a moment, frantic, worried movements ceasing for an eternal split-second, eyes burning holes through her hands as they hovered besides Chenle's head injury.

As a result of Rin's inspection of Chenle's wound, Rin's was rather close to the taller boy after standing on her tippy-toes to see Chenle's affliction easier.

Her breath trapped itself in her throat, and refused to escape her lips, lodging in her windpipe uncomfortably.

Her stomach writhed like a bucket worms within of her body, but she tried to hide it, pressing her lips together to rid her face of any visible expression, yet it was rather useless- Chenle could feel the squirming of her insides.

Although she didn't know the extent a ravenous mafia would go, Rin knew that having an enemy, especially with one with experience in murder, was a huge risk, and she could die because of it- both her and Chenle.

"ATEEZ sent a messenger," Chenle continued, sighing harshly. "Scrawny kid with a knife- he kept talking throughout the fight about their plans."

A languid breath fell from the boy's lips as he tried to read Rin's expression, his soft eyes raking over the seemingly paralyzed girl.

Her face was almost emotionless; her brown eyes were distant, wandering through the distant lands of her mind whilst her eyebrows began to tug together, almost unnoticeably.

Her worry was nearly undetectable visually, except for the slight quivering of her bottom lip- as if she was trying not to cry, or, perhaps, wondering if she should begin to.

"They're going to use you to get to me," He muttered, guilt causing the boy to avert his eyes.

He knew it was his fault; if he hadn't chosen to live in a world where human laws were a mere bedtime story, nothing like this would've happened.

His head throbbed with pain as Rin's complexion graced Chenle's view, feeling that the side of his head was covered in a red, sticky liquid, yet he didn't care- aware that he didn't have a concussion, and assuming that the lesion couldn't be any bigger than a half-dollar coin.

Like he had said, head wounds bled much more than most other injuries, and knew that it he must've appeared worse than he felt.

His side ached with an abrasion upon his torso, but it was a mere graze- not enough to cause serious blood loss nor unbearable pain, but it was just deep enough to send shocks of anguish through the pair's bodies.

Silently, the girl's eyes fell to the ground for a moment, before she glanced back up, smiling thinly, yet it was fake- a facade to prevent herself from seeming weak.

"It's fine," She mumbled, voice barely above a whisper.

The small grin was strained, and utterly unnatural, not managing to reach her eyes before glancing back down towards the first aid kit to avoid his concerned gaze.

Her hand began to wander towards the kit, attempting to retrieve a bandage from it when Chenle's fingers enclosed over hers- stopping her.

"You don't have to bandage me, you know," The boy murmured, feeling her hand shake within his larger one.

"But you're bleeding," She repeated, shooting Chenle a confused pout.

Chenle's eyebrows rose slightly, head tilting to the side as he watched the girl, and the boy hesitated before sighing, pressing his lips into a fine line.

Chenle lifted a single finger, and propped Rin's chin up with it, languidly stuffing his other hand into his pocket.

Chenle's heart was loud in his chest, and he quickly glanced away from Rin's large doe eyes, stomach swirling relentlessly, feeling his ears grow strangely warm.

Trying not to overthink it, Chenle suddenly leaned in, pressing a chaste kiss into the girl's soft lips before quickly pulling away- taking a large step backwards.

The kiss was so quick that Rin wasn't even sure it happened at first, wondering if she had imagined it, yet his slightly pinkish cheeks affirmed the reality of it, which left Rin slightly confused.

Chenle's side and head wounds began to sting like a paper cut with hand sanitizer on them, before the pain began to slowly fade away- leaving nothing but healthy flesh behind.

Rin soon realized he had healed, using their bond to do so- just as Rin had done twice before.

Face suddenly lighting up with understanding, the girl's eyebrows rose whilst her finger lazily waved towards him, before her lips fell back into a pout.

"Does it still hurt?" She muttered, despite knowing his injuries didn't.

The boy shook his head, avoiding eye contact as he rubbed his neck awkwardly, stomach lurching wildly within him as his nerves began to cause the boy to shift on his feet.

Courtesy to being soulmates, Rin could feel everything Chenle could physically and emotionally, and vice versa, yet she could sense no form of anguish from the boy, despite the despairing pain that had rived through her just a few moments ago.

A sudden thought crossed her mind, and she slyly looked at the boy, taking a small step towards him, and stared up at the much taller male, resembling a sad puppy.

"Chenle?" He uttered, cutely gazing up at him.

"Uh, yeah?" He replied, eyes constantly darting away from the girl- feeling rather embarrassed.

"My uh-" She quickly averted her eyes to the ground, attempting to think of a good, quick lie- "Finger hurts. Like, really bad."

Chenle narrowed his eyes at the girl, unable to feel her made-up injury.


"I think I'm going to die," She exaggerated, failing to suppress a smile.

"Are you-"

"Please just kiss me."


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Is that

An overdue ship sailing I smell?

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