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Like my list of exes I've had at home

After a decently short, bumpy ride, the vehicle came to a screeching halt at what Rin assumes to be the club she was 'interviewing' at

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After a decently short, bumpy ride, the vehicle came to a screeching halt at what Rin assumes to be the club she was 'interviewing' at.

Renjun, a sadistic smirk etched into his lips, out fished his black duffle bag and placed it on his lap- everyone's eyes following the object. Rin's nervous gaze watched him awkwardly as she clutched Chenle's hoodie around her body, watching as Renjun teasingly pulled the zipper along- so slow that a snail could've beat his speed.

Once the bag had opened fully, Rin noticed a large smile spread across Haechan's face, which made the girl worry for her safety.

Renjun's hand snaked into the duffle bag, and out came a metal bat, which was passed to Jeno immediately.


Rin's eyes widened at the sight, and she nervously pursed her lips together as more dangerous things spewed from the bag, yet they made her nauseous.

She was really doing this, she was really going to help gang members attack a rival gang, despite her squeaky clean record. What would people think of her? A good egg gone bad? Rotten?

She sucked in a shaky breath as her stomach began to writhe with snakes, but she could do nothing about it as anxiety took ahold of her body. Mind tainting into pessimism, she swallowed her emotions and pulled Chenle's hood over her head- nearly hiding her eyes entirely.

She brought her knees up to her chest as she tried to steady her slightly irregular breathing, her dark, quivering eyes staring blankly at the floor in front of her, and she refused to look at the brandished weapons that were passed around the van like candy.

Chenle, who had just stuffed a Desert Eagle in the back of his jeans, let his eyes drift towards the scrunched-up soulmate of his, his eyebrows narrowing at her quite obviously distressed figure.

He pondered saying something, or perhaps giving her some form of comfort- anything- yet he shook of the urge as he redirected his gaze to Jisung, who was booting up a computer.

"Have you hacked into the club's cameras?" Chenle muttered, and Jisung- fingers clacking against his keyboard- briefly glanced Chenle's way.

"Almost...." He mumbled distantly, eyes scanning his screen, "I'm in."

Chenle nodded in content, his gaze raking over his subordinates as he readied the plan in his mind, pulling a bucket hat over his head to hide part of his face, a face mask to hide the rest.

"Rin and I will go in first to distract while Jeno takes out the outer guards, Renjun, Haechan, and Jaemin beating shit up inside, hopefully sneaking in before anyone notices, and Jisung on standby. Jaemin, you pickpocketed the keys, right?" Chenle uttered, and Jaemin hastily nodded.

The blue-haired boy dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a ring of four keys, two silver and the rest gold as they dangled off of the keychain. After achieving a satisfied glance from Chenle, Jaemin placed the keys back into his jacket and awaited more intricate instructions, which was undoubtedly coming.

"Alright, Haechan, Jaemin- go in through the back. Renjun go through the front, but try to lay low until everyone's in," Chenle assessed, his gaze checking for understanding.

Obtaining some murmurs of agreement, Chenle's eyes uncontrollably wandered towards Rin, who hadn't moved in the slightest.

She was zoning out- her brain held in a cell of her own thoughts, both guilt and worry eating at her sanity as she pondered the crime she was about to commit, but, nevertheless, she had to go through with the plan- no matter how desperately her mind screamed against it.

"Ready?" Chenle sighed to the girl, and she flinched at the sound of his voice- startled out of oblivion.

Chenle's eyebrows drew together subtly, but it was barely noticeable as Rin's eyes zeroed in on the boy.

"What if it goes wrong? What if we go to jail? Or get hurt? Or even die?!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide as the pessimistic thoughts ravaged her brain.

"We've done this befor-"

"Why are we hurting them? Do we need to do this? Surely peace is an option, right?!" Her panicked voice squeaked, and she hugged her legs to her chest tighter.

Chenle sighed heavily at her clearly distraught face, pursing his lips together as she ran a hand through her hair.

"I can't believe we're doing this- I'm doing this with you- a gang-"

"It'll be okay-"

"But what if it's not?!" She screeched, making a audible breath fall from Chenle's lips.

Chenle's hands found their way to her cheeks as he forced her to look up at him- her wide, puppy eyes fearfully gazing up into his dark ones, yet she found refuge in his stormy orbs.

The pad of his thumb trailed over her cheekbone for a moment before he spoke, yet a hint of restrain shone through his actions as his uncontrollably worried eyes narrowed at her.

"It's going to be fine, we've done this before," Chenle cooed slowly, ensuring that she was listening, "Don't panic, not now."

Chenle's strangely strict yet concerned eyes bore into hers, and she sucked in a trembling breath, refusing to break their eye contact as his irises persuaded Rin to calm down.

Whether her increasing serenity was caused by their soulmate bond or just Chenle, Rin didn't know, but didn't mind either way.

"You're okay, yeah?" He articulated, his eyes raking over her slowly relaxing face.

Leisurely calming her erratic heart with deep breaths, she hesitantly nodded, which was a movement that Chenle mirrored, before a reluctantly removing his hands from her face- the girl immediately missing his warmth afterwards.

"So, are you ready?" Chenle partially repeated, his gaze remaining on her longer than it should have.

Gulping down her lingering anxiety, Rin inhaled deeply before taking a glance around- finding nearly all eyes on her. Momentarily closing her eyes to stable herself, Rin mindlessly nodded, yet she was completely unsure of her answer.

"As ready as I'll ever be..."


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