You forced me into this

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The heavy sounds of Rin and Chenle's pants intertwined in the wind as they ran, and ran, and ran from their opposers, out of breath as they strived to stay alive

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The heavy sounds of Rin and Chenle's pants intertwined in the wind as they ran, and ran, and ran from their opposers, out of breath as they strived to stay alive.

Rin stumbled over her feet as her legs burned, chest tight and pained as she desperately darted after Chenle, coated in a layer of sweat.

The angry male's voice began to fade into the distance, prompting Rin believe that he hadn't followed them, yet she didn't feel safe- no, not at all.

She ran like the violent man was chasing her, relying on adrenaline and her sheer will to live as she forced herself to continue to run, disregarding the sore aching of her body as her limbs screeched for her to halt- breathe- but she couldn't.

Gasping for air as she fumbled forward, she held Chenle's hand within her's like it was the only thing that kept her alive; her life line, and she had no intention of ever letting go.

Soaring overhead, large, puffy clouds of ash obscured the sun, descending the pair into endless shade as they fought against the wind, following their feet towards safety.

The frigid air nipped at Rin's skin, making her skin rise with goosebumps despite her physical exertion, not that she cared- her mind was focused on one thing, and one thing only; survival.

Fear swirled through her brain like a rapid hurricane, twisting her thoughts around her skull in a painful whirlwind of frantic, half-finished statements.

Her heart hammered in her chest, pumping adrenaline through her veins as she forcefully hugged out her breaths, and her lungs screamed for a steady income of air, expanding and falling expeditiously.

Afraid of what she might see, Rin didn't dare to glance over her shoulder, eyes trained on the back of Chenle's head as chilly air gushed through his hair, making it dance as his legs pulled him further from danger.

Chenle's fingers tangled with Rin's as his eyes scanned the tall, secluded buildings for a place to hide, or, at least, some form of protection.

His gaze scrambled over closed cafés, cracked sidewalks, and deserted buildings before he noticed a narrow alleyway branching off of the street they ran against.

Turning sharply; abruptly, Chenle began to sprint down it, and Rin staggered with him, eyes wide as she tripped over her steps.

The boy's feet fell to a screeching halt, sending Rin to collide with Chenle's sturdy back, but she quickly pushed herself off of him as he wheeled around.

The girl flinched backwards as Chenle's dark eyes landed on her, hands shaking as adrenaline gushed through her wildly.

Chenle's skin glistened with sweat as his breaths forcefully fell from his lips, and his fingers crept up to her shoulders, holding her steady.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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