the broken hearts club~22

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Would you love me less?

Jaemin suddenly pulled the girl into a huge hug, and squeezed her against his chest, but, although she appreciated the gesture, it didn't make Chenle feel better, and therefor didn't lift Rin's spirits

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Jaemin suddenly pulled the girl into a huge hug, and squeezed her against his chest, but, although she appreciated the gesture, it didn't make Chenle feel better, and therefor didn't lift Rin's spirits.

If anything, it made the boy feel worse as he watched the two, and it made a violent churning swish through his chest, although he desperately tried to ignore it. As he watched the two's close close proximity, and noticed his own distance, the vigorous twister that had formed grew increasingly prominent, which made a light chuckle escape Rin's lips.

Glancing at Chenle over Jaemin's shoulder- tears still soaking her cheeks- a small smile stretched across her lips, and he watched her in utter confusion.

"I can't t-tell if you're s-sad, or jealous," Rin muttered, and the boy scoffed loudly.

"How about neither?" He deadpanned, and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"I-I wouldn't b-be crying if you w-weren't sad," She pointed out, and he rolled his eyes passively.

He turned his attention back to ceiling, and she sighed heavily through her plentiful weeps before wriggling out of Jaemin's grip- leaving him watching her cautiously as she slid off of her chair. She wobbled over towards Chenle as tears constantly fell from her eyelashes, and defiantly stood in front of him, making his gaze flicker towards her.

She glared down at him, yet her eyes were sad and pained by his anguish, and she wished she could make him happy with every fiber of her being.

"S-stand up," She ordered, and his eyebrows scrunched together.

"Do I have to?" He sighed, and she vigorously nodded.

"Y-yes," She prodded, tears still falling from her eyes.

Huffing out loudly, he hesitantly hoisted himself onto his feet, glaring down at the crying girl darkly.

"Now what?" He mumbled, and his eyes glimmered with the same sadness she expressed.

Gazing down upon her tear-ridden face, a pang of guilt struck Chenle's chest, but he blatantly ignored it, keeping his face emotionless as he glowered at the girl- her own face twisted in sadness and determination.

His lazy eyes raked over her tear-stained cheeks, and he had an urge to wipe them away, but refrained- merely glaring at her as he normally did. Rin sucked in a shaky breath as she met his gaze, and her salty droplets continued to slip off of her eyelashes, but she didn't bother wipe them away.

He narrowed his eyes at the girl suspiciously, feeling her anxiousness, and she swallowed her nerves before practically falling into his chest. Chenle's eyes widened as her face pressed into his shirt, and she wrapped her arms around his torso, making Chenle immediately freeze- staring at the place she once was.

He blinked slowly, processing what had happened as it went on, and she tightened her embrace, which made his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. Chenle's eyes hesitantly fell to the girl's tiny body, and he felt his heartbeat grow erratic, his mind in a entropic state of bemusement.

His graze drew back up from her small figure, and he awkwardly glanced towards Jaemin, then Haechan, who were watching the two with either amusement or surprise, which didn't help Chenle in the slightest.

Rin's warmth spread onto Chenle like a cuddly blanket, and the serenity of it all flustered the boy, but he had no idea what to do with himself. He couldn't seem to function as the unfathomed sensation of such a heartfelt hug engulfed him, yet he felt so puzzled; so lost on what to do and how to react.

Chenle's arms twitched up to her back, yet he was stiff- so incredibly tense in such a emotional scene, and Rin's tears had begun to soak through Chenle's shirt, but he couldn't've cared less. Slowly but surely, Rin's sniffles began to subside, yet she clung onto him boldly- never wanting to let go, even for a moment.

Whether it was the soulmate bond or the fact that Chenle was unhealthily touch-deprived, he hesitantly let his fingertips graze over her back and gently push the girl farther into his chest, despite his taut demeanor.

To Chenle, such a heartfelt action was a huge gesture, and his mind was locked in some form of shock as he blankly stared at the space in front of him- his eyes wide. It had been years since someone had intimately touched him, yet he didn't know how to feel- he was paralyzed in place, his mind sluggish and his thoughts rapid but indistinguishable.

Moment after moment, Chenle's raised shoulders leisurely began to fall, and he slowly began to relax in her reassuring embrace, yet his mind felt distant-as if his brain had gone into auto-pilot, letting the heart take over. The only problem was that his heart didn't know what to do, whether he was enjoying the contact, or how to feel.

Nevertheless, he relished their proximity with the entirety of his heart, but something nagged him back in the corner of his mind- hesitation and old lessons learned.

Chenle's breath hitched as a bad memory flashed before his eyes, and he felt like he was a traitor for wallowing in Rin's presence. Swallowing a large lump in his windpipe, he reluctantly retracted his arms from the girl, and untangled himself from her, his throat painfully dry.

Rin's eyes pulled together as he met her gaze, his walls temporarily collapsing as anguish gleamed in his eyes, and his stomach churned with a thousand snakes as his eyes lingered on her.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, before rushing off to his room, leaving the girl standing alone- a pain unlike any other welling in her chest.

Chenle, my dude, what the fuck are you doing

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Chenle, my dude, what the fuck are you doing

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