Lowkey~ 26

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Thin ice that I'm treading

"Alright bitches, we have a mission," Renjun announced, gaining the gang's- plus Rin's- attention

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"Alright bitches, we have a mission," Renjun announced, gaining the gang's- plus Rin's- attention.

Chenle's voided eyes lingered on his soulmate as he wondered if she could listen to the details, but sighed heavily, ignoring her presence.

"Elaborate," Chenle prompted, and Renjun's gaze fell to him.

"We're getting there Princess, be patient," Renjun muttered, and Chenle cocked a brow at the boy.

Glaring sharply at Renjun and contemplating how long he should torture him for such a nickname, but his eyes twitched towards Rin. A heavy breath fell from his lips, and he leaned backwards on the couch as he eyed Renjin, who looked surprised to be unharmed.

Renjun's gaze drifted towards Rin, and he smirked knowingly, narrowing his eyes at Chenle, who glowered back at him threateningly until the boy continued.

"Right, so as most of us know, ATEEZ has infiltrated NCT's main base, which means we're practically going into war, yada, yada, boring shit- anyways, they opened up a club recently," Renjun explained, and Dream absorbed every word, "Simply, our job is to sneak in and clap some motherfuckers."

Chenle nodded subtly, his eyes wandering the room for a moment, before a plan began to form in his brain.

"Anyone specific?"

"Anyone in ATEEZ," Renjun muttered, glancing over the page in his hand, "Try to bitch slap Hongjoon though."

"Jisung, can you find a blueprint of the place?" Chenle uttered, and Jisung hastily nodded.

"Of course, I'll be right back," Jisung mumbled, and jumped up from his seat- presumably going to find his computer.

Chenle's eyes quickly scanned the room, and began to quickly assign people roles- all well thought out and were given due to their roles.

"Jaemin, can you pickpocket the keys? We shouldn't go in when it's open- too many civilians."

"Easy," Jaemin scoffed, and a small smirk etched itself into his lips.

"Donghyuk, I'm assuming you already know what to do?" Chenle uttered, and he obtained a mischievous grin from the boy.

"Yup," He replied, cracking his knuckles intimidatingly.

"Renjun, you're with Donghyuk," Chenle assessed, narrowing his eyes, "Don't do anything stupid."

The pair collectively rolled their eyes, and grumbled out a response, although there was no way to be certain.

"Jeno, there's undoubtedly going to be guards outside, knowing ATEEZ. Take them out, and we'll take care of everyone inside. Doesn't matter how, just don't get made."

Chenle's sharp gaze flickered towards Renjun once more, and Renjun tiredly awaited his words.

"Do we know what ATEEZ did at our base?"

"They hacked it, so they know what we look like, and they knocked out Taeyong. He's not happy, as you can imagine," Renjun explained simply, and Chenle curtly nodded.

"So we have to get in without being seen," Chenle sighed, pursing his lips together.

His eyes raked over the room before his eyes landed on Rin, who was nervously watching the scene unfold before her.

"Unless they don't know who we are," Chenle muttered- almost enigmatic, "Rin, are you willing to front?"

The girl was slightly startled by the sudden question, and her face went pale- her eyes wide and frightened.

"W-will I have to kill someone?" She stammered, and Chenle shrugged.

"Renjun, are we killing anyone?"

Renjun's eyes fell to the paper he held in front of him, quickly scanning the information.

"Nope, it's just a warning," Renjun responded, eyes trailing back up to Chenle.

Chenle's gaze was redirected to Rin, who was anxiously glancing between the two, sighing exasperatedly.

"Then no," Chenle answered, and Rin's teeth held her lip hostage, "That also means no explosives, Donghyuk."

Haechan's lips contorted into a pout, his shoulders slumping sadly at his words whilst his gaze fell to the floor- like a child who's candy was taken from them. A thin smirk surfaced onto Chenle's lips, and he slyly glanced at the boy, opening his mouth hesitantly.

"Unless, of course, a fuse was accidentally lit," Chenle murmured discreetly, and Donghyuk's eyes met his, twinkling darkly.

A sadistic grin spread across Haechan's lips, and a dark chuckle escaped his throat.

"Accidents do happen," He uttered, receiving a solemn nod from Chenle.

Rin ran a stressed hand through her hair as they watched their exchange, and her nerves writhed vigorously in her gut. Her? In a gang? She wasn't the type, especially since her brother had... well, let's just say that too many bad memories surrounded gangs.

"So? What do you say?" Chenle prompted, attracting her eyes.

She pursed her lips together as she narrowed her eyes at the malevolent boy, feeling her intestines tie themselves into knots in her stomach.

"Do I have a choice?" She asked quietly, and Chenle shrugged stoically.

"Not really."

"Great. What do I have to do?" She huffed, obtaining a malicious grin from Renjun.

"We're getting there, Princess," Renjun mumbled, his eyes glinting mysteriously.

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