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If you knew the places I've been in

As if a knife of lightning had stabbed him right in the heart, a jolt of unwanted memories jolted through his mind malevolently

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As if a knife of lightning had stabbed him right in the heart, a jolt of unwanted memories jolted through his mind malevolently. The moment her soft, perfect lips touched his, his mind dove into a sea of the past, calling up what was to haunt him.

"What were you doing?!" Iseul shrieked, storming up to him, her face contorted in absolute rage.

Chenle's gut wrenched with guilt, with fear, even, as a war was waged behind his eyelids, yet he was frozen- paralyzed as he watched his own memories unfold.

"Why were you with her?!" She screamed, and Chenle stumbled backwards.

His eyes wide, heart erratic as his mind chose flight or flight- fumbling away from her as she stormed closer.

Her sadistic, dark eyes bore through his with pure hatred, and he knew what was to come- it had happened too frequently, but it didn't get any easier.

Chenle's eyes squeezed together tightly like a child hiding under covers, and his intestines continued to tie itself into knots, before ripping itself into itty bits within his stomach.

Her heavy, enraged steps stomped closer, and she backed Chenle into a wall, his eyes wildly darting around for an exist, someway he could get out, but there was nothing. He was trapped, and Iseul knew this, drawing closer as she genuinely enjoyed the utter terror written on his face.

"I-I j-just said h-hello-"

Chenle was cut off when Iseul's hand slapped across his cheek, and the boy yelped in pain, his eyes quivering as his fingers hovered over the already-red mark on his skin.

His chest rose and fell heavily with fear as he pressed himself against the wall, trying to shrink out of existence to avoid Iseul's punishments.

"You still don't get it, do you?" She seethed, her fiery eyes narrowing dangerously.

Chenle's heart crushed within his chest as he watched his past like a movie, yet it was real, too real. He felt like he was there; he felt like Iseul was there to hurt him, and he felt vulnerable- he was the same, helpless boy that Iseul had made him.

Her fingers harshly clutched the fabric of Chenle's collar, and she violently pulled him towards her, forcing him to look her in the eyes. Her face contorted in utter rage, her lips clamped together before they burst open, and Chenle flinched at the simple movement with real fear.

"I am the only girl you can speak to, the only girl you can so much as look like, because I am all you have, and you. Are. Mine." She manipulated, and he nodded, his eyes wide in terror, "Say it!"

Chenle's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he tried to swallow the burbling fear that clogged his throat, yet it remained, clawing up his windpipe like a thousand spiders, and he was afraid that if his lips parted, they would all spill out.

His breath hitching as he so desperately tried to build up the courage to speak, Iseul's fingers tightened on his shirt, making a quiet squeak of fear erupt from his throat.

"I-I'm y-yours," He whispered in dispair, his voice shaking with utter loss of purpose and forced dedication to the girl in front of him.

"That's right," She affirmed, her lips quirking into an evil smirk.

Chenle flinched away from Rin, a shuddering breath escaping his lips as his eyes landed on the counter in front of him, refusing to look at anyone in shame.

Shaking his head to unsuccessfully rid the remains of Iseul from his mind, he abruptly scrambled out of his seat, nearly knocking over the chair in the process.

"S-sorry," He whispered in a cracked voice, before wheeling around and dashing to his room.

Rin's eyes followed him, and her eyebrows knitted together is concern as she too felt the unmistakable fear blasting through Chenle's heart.

Sighing out a harsh breath, the girl clamped her lips together as her eyes lingered on the now-closed door that Chenle so blatantly hid behind.

"You did that when he was asleep? And he woke up?" Jaemin mumbled, and Rin glanced towards him, "That's some sleeping beauty shit."

Rin's somber eyes flicked over the blue-haired boy, and her eyebrows raised subtly as yet another heavy sigh fell from her lips, but the pain that riddled her arm was gone, leaving her healed.

"You're not helping, Jaemin," She uttered, and he shrugged.

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