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They find a way

Somehow, Rin had managed to get Chenle slumped in her bed, cozied up beside Rin

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Somehow, Rin had managed to get Chenle slumped in her bed, cozied up beside Rin.

A laptop rested upon the sheets of the bed, and upon the screen played We Bare Bears, which happened to be one of Rin's favorite shows, despite it being a kids show.

Chenle rested against the backboard of Rin's bed, a thin hood pulled over his head, Chenle glanced towards the tiny girl as she snugged up close to him as she sought warmth in the cold night.

A window was open on the wall beside the pair, and cool breeze wafted over the two, the frigid air washing over them.

Rin rested her head on the boy's shoulder as she smiled thinly, watching the show as she sang along with the theme song, cocooned within a pink, fuzzy blanket.

Barely aware of it, Rin hugged Chenle's arm like a stuffed animal, pressing her cheek into it as she felt her eyelids growing heavy, contrasting Chenle's constantly-alert nature.

Whilst the girl clung to him, a warm tingling flowed from her into the boy, effortlessly luring Chenle into tranquility and heating the strangely cold boy.

As an episode came to an end, Chenle found his eyes drifting towards Rin, which wasn't at all unusual.

Her glossy eyes danced with the silhouettes of silver ghosts, eyes reflecting the cuddly figures that wandered through the screen, and it accentuated the sparkles of caramel that his within her irises, making them look like hot embers.

The laptop casted a soft, blueish glow upon the girl, causing her to display a radiant light, shining like some type of angel.

Her cherry lips curved into an entertained grin as mirth swirled like a soft dust devil within her pupils, and a quiet laugh escaped her throat, engrossed in the show.

Rin's brown hair was a tangled and it pointed up in various, haphazard places, drastically affected by a serious case of bedhead, and Chenle internally cooed at it, finding his soft eyes lingering on it.

Chenle's borrowed shirt from earlier in the day loosely clung to her body, and if she stood, the fabric would almost reach her knees, almost like a dress.

Bundled in a blanket, Rin appeared to be rather warm, whilst Chenle found himself being frigid- not that he minded much.

His lips formed a small frown as goosebumps began to formulate on his arms, caused by the open window that blew cold air into the room.

A breath spilled from his lips which attracted Rin's eyes, causing her to glance up at the boy- cheek still pressed into his shoulder.

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