My boy~15

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If I introduce you to my demons

Chenle's dark eyes glimmered with an unreadable emotion, yet he refused to look away, and continued to glare into the girl's eyes

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Chenle's dark eyes glimmered with an unreadable emotion, yet he refused to look away, and continued to glare into the girl's eyes. Rin had frozen in place, panicked, confused, and strangely nervous, but what could she do?

Her stomach twisted with anxiety as she swallowed a thick lump in her throat, holding his eye contact as she shifted on her feet; she didn't know what to do with herself. Did she look away? Was she to run back to her room?

Rin felt like she was falling into his irises, and would never get out- like they were a cage, a prison, a cell. She was drowning in his ocean of an eye, whilst cold, unrecognizable feelings swam through them calmly, as if he was speaking to her with his gaze. What he was trying to say was indistinguishable to the girl, but it made her stomach swarm with butterflies, and she felt lost.

Lost in his glare, lost in her mind, lost in him.

Chenle was Rin's soulmate, and neither of them could deny that they felt their bond. Little things, they felt the little things, like the strange electricity that sparked through their held eye contact, the mutual twisting of intestines, and the unfathomed thundering booms that echoed in both's chests.

Rin let out a shaky breath, knowing she was somewhere between terrified and intrigued, but she could barely identify the emotions that droned through her own brain.

Jaemin watched their visual exchange, and could feel the extreme tension that thickened the air, and decided that if he didn't do anything, something would explode. So, Jaemin slid an arm over Rin's shoulder, which made her initially jump, and he glided her towards the kitchen, which was directly connected to the living room.

Chenle's brooding gaze lingered on the girl, and his eyes narrowed as he noted the two's closeness, namely, Jaemin's arm that rested on her shoulder. Realizing what he was doing, he- unsuccessfully- shook his head to shoo the thoughts away, and returned to tend to his papers, but his mind constantly strayed away.

Jaemin steered her towards the kitchen counter, sitting her down before he began to whip out a pan and some ingredients, then promptly making waffles.

Jaemin's eyes flicked towards Chenle, and, seeing that he had brought his attention back to his work, the blue-haired boy leaned towards Rin, spilling some tea.

"You know, no one has ever distracted the Machine for that long before," Jaemin muttered in a low voice so he didn't attract Chenle's attention.

Rin's eyes widened slightly, and she bit her lip nervously, before her mouth fell open.

"I'm sorry, he won't kill me for that, right?" She whispered quietly, and her words just so happened to drift through Chenle's ears.

Chenle's jaw clenched at her words, yet he didn't understand the reason behind it- plenty of people feared their lives when around him. He had threatened, killed, and ruined hundreds of humans in his lifetime, what's one more?

Chenle knew that if you were feared, you had control, so he strived to be what nightmares were made from. He wore fear better than Satan, and he loved the way people shook in his presence.

Eyes wide and infected with terror, legs as weak as noodles, mind frozen in fear, and mouth wide open to scream- but to scared to actually go through with such an action; his idea of idyllic.

All he did to have that priceless reaction was be the monster he was, and that didn't bother him in the slightest. He adored the pure and utter trepidation that coursed through everyone in his presence, and loved everyone's fear towards him.

But not her's.

"Dude, for the last time, he won't kill you. Lighten up a bit, will you?" Jaemin chuckled lowly, and Rin's eyes fell to the table in front of her.

Chenle, who had found himself eavesdropping, took a glance at the two from the corner of his eye, and a small scowl twisted upon his face.

So they're on 'dude' level.

Chenle, once again, caught himself as he had begun to engulf himself in the thought of Rin, and not the task at hand. Sighing aguishly, Chenle tried to focus on his papers once more, and scribbled a few more words onto the surface of the white sheet.

864,853,853 dollars with 263,874- what are they doing?

Chenle's eyes were drawn to the pair yet again, and noticed that Rin was now cautiously nibbling on a waffle bigger than her face, her eyes flinching around warily.

Under different circumstances, Chenle might've smirked and would've found her jumpiness around him amusing, but he felt displeased about the matter, yet didn't care enough to try to make her any more comfortable. That wasn't his job, but these papers were, so his gaze snapped right back to his page.

Finding working impossible, Chenle leaned back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling and attracting Jeno's attention. A smile illuminated Jeno's cheeks, and amusement sparkled in his eyes as he watched the workaholic being unable to work.

"You cant focus? Because of her? Wow, she had a talen-"

"Jeno, shut the fuck up before I snap your neck," Chenle seethed, and a small giggle escaped Jeno's lips.

Rin, who heard their exchange of snarks, let her eyes twitch towards her soulmate, and silently observed him- unwillingly- procrastinate for the first time in centuries. He felt her eyes on him, and it took all of his strength to retrain from gazing into her big, pretty eyes whilst she felt enveloped in him, but forced herself to look away.

The second he was sure that she wasn't watching him anymore, his eyes fell to her, completely reversing their roles. Both Jeno and Jaemin noticed their little staring game, and a small grin pulled at Jaemin's lips whilst Jeno's eyes gleefully twinkled.

 Both Jeno and Jaemin noticed their little staring game, and a small grin pulled at Jaemin's lips whilst Jeno's eyes gleefully twinkled

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