Hoodie Season~82

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Break down

The girl laid languidly on her back, staring at the ceiling as Chenle scrolled aimlessly on his phone, propped up against the backboard of the bed

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The girl laid languidly on her back, staring at the ceiling as Chenle scrolled aimlessly on his phone, propped up against the backboard of the bed.

Chenle's discarded gun rested on the bedside table, without a purpose within his soulmate's house.

The soft chirping of sparrows had ceased; replaced by the distant cawing of crows and the soft murmurs of pigeons that filtered through the window- white noise for the pair.

Rin's head was cradled by her silky pillow, trapped on top of her various, multi-colored blankets that littered her bed.

As if someone had gone to a thrift store and bought every fuzzy material in sight, then proceeded to dump it onto her mattress carelessly, her bed lacked all forms of a theme or some type of organization.

Sheets were bunched up at her feet, and heaps of material was scattered around it, leaving the girl sinking in a sea of fabric.

Arms resting over her stomach, the girl was lost in her thoughts- itching to do something, but wanting to stay imprisoned my her sheets for all eternity at the same time.

A breath crawled from her lips, and Rin's head rolled towards Chenle.

His black hair fell over his eyes as he scanned his screen, still fluffy and disheveled from sleep, and his usual grey hoodie was draped over his body- decorated by a few bloodstains from the night before.

Expression stoic, his cold eyes peered down at the object, yet when Rin's fingers trailed up to poke his arm, Chenle's gaze immediately softened, drifting towards the girl.

"Let's go out," She offered, a small smile dancing among her cheeks.

Chenle's eyebrows began to pull together ever so slightly, lips forming a thin line.

"Like I said last night, ATEEZ is after you too, now," He pointed out, leaning his head against the wall. "It might be safer-"

"I just got the ability to go outside freely," She murmured, contrasting Chenle's expressionless face with a growing grin."I'm not going to spend it sitting inside."

Despite the seriousness of her words, her face showed nothing other than tranquil contentment as she stared up at the boy.

Rin's fingers mindlessly tiptoed up his sweatshirt, traveling over the folds of the fabric like it was a harrowing journey, but Chenle didn't seem to mind.

Sparkling softly in the natural light of the morning, her doe eyes wandered around her soulmate's, wondering what he was thinking as he watched her, mind actively pondering her words.

Obviously, it was her choice to go outside or not, but Chenle found himself worrying- Rin had almost no experience when it came to defending herself against a gang; a trained gang at that.

She didn't know how to fight, nor would she- Rin had made it clear that she didn't want anyone hurt, no matter how horrid they were. Hell, Chan would be alive right now if she could decide.

If Rin was faced with a gang, especially ATEEZ, she might not survive.

A strange tugging in his stomach occurred at the thought of the girl's death, and not because he would face demise as well; he would both loose the only person he genuinely cared for, and it would be his fault.

Merely being in NCT put Rin in danger, but he couldn't just leave- no, gangs didn't work like that. It was a commitment, and breaking that commitment came with punishments that no one wanted to face.

Chenle sighed heavily as concern pulled at his heart, but it was also his fault that she didn't have the freedom to leave for quite a while, and he wasn't about to strip her of her will yet again.

"Where would we go?" He muttered, eyes wandering around Rin's face.

The stars in the girl's eyes morphed into suns, and her smile grew much wider at his lack of denial, brightening the entire room with a single grin.

She hoisted herself up with her arms, sitting beside Chenle as she bounced subtly on the mattress, not really caring where they went as long as they got there.

"I don't know yet- the great outdoors," Rin awed, dramatically waving her hand through the air to emphasize her words.

Her lips fell into a cute frown as she began to rapidly think of locations, eyebrows furrowing as her eyes darted towards the ceiling.

"We could go to the mall, the park, a restaurant-" She cut herself off when she gasped loudly, suddenly grabbing Chenle's arm "-We could get ice cream!"

Her eyes glittered with excitement, exhausted of being kept inside for what felt like centuries and the thought of going outside enlivened Rin, for the possibilities seemed endless.

Slightly taken aback by her high energy levels, Chenle watched her with subtly wide eyes as she held onto his arm, grinning madly.

"Yeah- sure, why not," He murmured, nodding along with her.

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