Ice Cream~83

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Tear me up

"Ice cream is the solution to all of my problems," Rin assessed, staring at the cone in her hand

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"Ice cream is the solution to all of my problems," Rin assessed, staring at the cone in her hand.

"Is it?" Chenle muttered, obtaining a hum in response.

The smell of cheap coffee wafted through the shop, along with the slight smell of green tea ice cream- which Rin thought was weird; why was green tea ice cream the dominant scent out of the dozens of flavors?

Rin's eyes wandered towards the window beside them, watching as pedestrians scurry about outside, pulling their coats closer to their bodies as they found their ways to their destination.

As if it were about to rain, grey clouds cluttered the air like ash after a fire, yet patches of blue littered the sky, letting rays of idyllic sunshine grace the ground.

Rin swept her haphazard hair from her face as she desperately licked up her melting strawberry ice cream, worried the pink, sticky substance would stream down the cone to her fingers.

Chenle comfortably rested in a white chair across from Rin, scooping up his vanilla ice cream from a small cup.

Smartly, since having blood splattering your clothes was suspicious, Chenle had removed his bloodstained hoodie and had wrapped it around his waist, hiding a patch of red on his t-shirt with the sleeves.

Revealed by his short sleeves, Chenle's right arm was decorated with two tattoos, and one that read 'Dream', signifying his gang- much like the boy that had entered the café Rin worked at so long ago.

The other was a tattoo that he hadn't chosen to get; it was his soulmate tattoo- the one that read 'Yang Rin' in bold letters on his wrist, and Rin found herself staring at it, realizing she had never noticed his before.

She herself had the inscription of his name on her own skin, yet she had nearly forgotten about it- only acknowledging it when Jaemin had pointed it out to her.

The soft murmuring of strangers inhabited the small shop, which the girl appreciated; there couldn't be an awkward silence without silence first, right?

The sweet flavor of strawberries bloomed on Rin's tastebuds, yet the coldness of it made her shiver, sending a chill down her spine.

Chenle suddenly outstretched his arm, swiftly stealing a bit of ice cream from Rin's cone and quickly slipping it past his lips, leaving a dent in the girl's food.

Gasping dramatically, Rin placed a hand over her heart as she glared at him in bewilderment.

"How could you?" She breathed, pulling her ice cream closer to her. "I trusted you!"

Chenle simply shrugged, slyly narrowing his eyes as he continued to eat his ice cream, unbothered.

Rin's lips curled into a pout as she glared at him, half-crossing her arms as she licked her ice cream, feeling betrayed; no one messed with her food if they didn't want to be aggressively stared at.

"Sharing is caring," He justified, acting like he hadn't committed a federal crime in Rin's world.

"Yeah but this isn't the Soviet Union you communist!" She exclaimed, lightly slapping the boy's arm.

Glancing at his forearm then back up to Rin, Chenle's eyebrows bemusedly drew together.

"Ow?" He articulated, yet her malicious attack was painless.

"That's what you get for stealing my food," She mumbled, stubbornly devouring the cold substance.

Chenle awkwardly glanced around, slightly confused, but just shrugged it off as the girl solemnly gazed at her ice cream, eyes pooling with sadness like she was holding the corpse of her best friend.

Deciding not to question her strange reaction, Chenle's eyes caught on a smudge of pink decorating the corner of her lip, which caused Chenle to- unwillingly- coo at the girl mentally.

Rin's cheeks were subtly puffed out as she stored food within them- like a squirrel- as her large eyes zeroed in on her prey, devoid of distraction.

Eyes narrowed and eyebrows pulled together, her stare was utterly fixed on her ice cream; clearly, she took eating very seriously, which was strangely endearing.

Her long, bouncy hair fell down her shoulders, yet the back of it stuck straight up- almost she had just rubbed her head against a carpet for fashionable reasons.

She accidentally wore her ice cream like lip gloss, causing her already pink lips look even more vibrant as she carelessly continued to devour her meal, mouth quirked into a small smile.

Chenle's heart always seemed to skip a beat whenever he looked Rin, but if he gazed at her for long enough, he could swear he could've felt himself physically falling for her, sinking into a sense of warmth that was so utterly unfamiliar it was terrifying.

Imagine being pushed into a pool blindfolded, without an idea how deep the water was. You didn't have a clue to assure you that you'd be able to swim out, or if you'd simply drown.

Unsure of what you were falling into, you couldn't tell if you were descending into a shallow kiddy pool or an endless ocean. Scary, right?

That's exactly how Chenle felt, yet he no longer minded as much. Like a good movie, the result might be worth the suspense, and Rin seemed worth the gamble.

His chest stirred with feelings he wish he could deny but did have a right to; they were too blatantly obvious that it would be impossible to contradict.

Chenle rested his chin on his hand as he blatantly stared at the girl, letting his empty hand fiddle with the spoon it contained.

"I hate how cute you are," Chenle admitted, watching her stuff another mouthful of ice cream into her cheeks.

The girl's eyebrows knitted together as her eyes relayed confusion, lips contorting into a thin pout.

"Why?" She asked innocently, eyes raking over him uneasily.

He pursed his lips together, eyes falling away from Rin as he tried to make up a random excuse, but found none, and Chenle sighed heftily; he had walked straight into that one.

Not expecting to be questioned, Chenle felt a strange squirming emit from his stomach- writhing like a bucket of worms within his body.

Trying to shake them away, Chenle tried to focus on things other than Rin- suddenly interested in the crevices and cracks in the table they sat at, eyes following them as they streaked the material like veins.

"Because..." He murmured quietly, before expelling a harsh sigh, giving up on avoiding it. "It makes me want to kiss you."

Yk I have to feed you guys some soft content

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Yk I have to feed you guys some soft content

I just have to

It's a requirement in this book

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