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If I had a dollar for my sins

Rin sent Taeyong an awkward smile, instinctively stepping a little closer to Chenle for safety when  faced with this unfathomed stranger, and, from what Jaemin had told her, she assumed he happened to have a pretty bad reputation

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Rin sent Taeyong an awkward smile, instinctively stepping a little closer to Chenle for safety when faced with this unfathomed stranger, and, from what Jaemin had told her, she assumed he happened to have a pretty bad reputation.

Eyes flickering between the two, Chenle could feel the uncomfortable tension that engulfed Rin, despite Taeyong's relatively kind introduction.

Run shifted on her feet as she remained silent, and her eyes twitched towards a familiar figure, Chenle in this case. Accidentally catching her gaze, Chenle sighed exasperatedly, and immediately tore his gaze away, staring at the ground instead.

The second they stood beside each other, Taeyong could tell that they weren't technically romantically involved. They acted like near-strangers- avoiding eye contact, visibly taut, overwhelmingly uncomfortable.

"You two are so awkward," Taeyong pointed out, and a high-pitched laugh that Rin could've swore she's never don't before escaped her lips.

Clicking his tongue in disapproval, Taeyong shook his head at the two, causing Rin's stomach to churn in fear that she had upset a gang lord.

"Let me help you," Taeyong quipped, a languid smile on his cheeks.

Stepping forward, the girl immediately flinched backwards, which encouraged Taeyong's smile even more so.

"You're definitely not a gang member," Taeyong muttered, a small chuckle falling from his lips.

Continuing his initial action, Taeyong grabbed Chenle's arm, which lead the younger boy to grimace at the sudden physical contact. Pulling him towards the slightly wide-eyed girl, Taeyong smirked lightly to himself as he suddenly decided he was a Chrin shipper.

Placing him shoulder to shoulder with Rin, the man turned to Rin, who stared back with eyes the size of plates, her hands subtly shaking.

"Oh relax, I don't bite," Taeyong assured, denting her an amused grin, "Most of the time."

Yet another high pitched laugh rose from the girl's throat, and he found her wariness around him quite entertaining, but that's not why he had put all of them in close proximity; he was 'helping' them get rid of their awkwardness, as he would say.

Chuckling when the girl flinched as he placed his hands on her shoulders, Taeyong directed Rin to stand in front of Chenle, which confused the soulmates.

Then, snatching up Chenle's arms and forcing them to wrap around Rin's waist, Taeyong nodded in approval, clapping happily.

Both were incredibly tense, and Chenle was having an existential crisis, but Taeyong could've cared less. Chenle swallowed nervously- his head hovering next to Rin's- as his eyes darted around the room, unsure of what to do in such a situation.

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