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My last made me feel like I would never try again

Chenle had decided to arrive at Rin's father's house via bus because Rin would spend more time on the outside of any confining walls, which was rather out of character for the boy

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Chenle had decided to arrive at Rin's father's house via bus because Rin would spend more time on the outside of any confining walls, which was rather out of character for the boy.

He almost never went out of his way to benefit others, but not to spite them- he would do whatever was the smartest option or the most direct choice to save time, effort or to limit danger, but he supposed that taking the long route wouldn't be too terrible.

They sat in the back of the vehicle, and Chenle had his hood pulled over his head- a gun resting within his waist band in case he needed it. His eyes studied the crowd of people in front of him, searching for a dreadfully familiar face among the dozens of strangers.

NCT was a name that everyone that was anyone in the mafia life knew, which put Chenle, the great leader of NCT Dream, at risk. As if a large target was painted on his back, dozens of criminals dreamed of severing his head from his shoulders, so Chenle always had to be aware of his surroundings, observing everyone around him.

The accumulation of people in front of him was just as various and unique as any large gathering of people- a woman with a big mole on her nose wore a long, colorful hat with a huge, pink feather trailing out of it, a man in the row in front of them wore a traditional African robe, and a human in a full-body fox suit was slumped towards the middle of the bus, possibly sleeping.

But no gangbangers, as far as Chenle could tell.

Tugging at his black hood, Chenle's eyes wandered towards Rin as she excitedly stared out the window, eyes scouring every inch of the outdoors.

Natural light invaded the bus and spilled over Rin, drowning her in more sunshine than she had seen in over a week.

Chenle couldn't tell if the sparkles of gold within her fudge-like orbs were reflections of the sun, or the physical manifestation of bliss- gleaming within her irises like tiny, glowing stars.

She gazed upon the outer world with utter endearment, almost as if she was watching a missed relative that she hadn't seen in a long time- refusing to take a single second for granted.

Rin's velvety lips were curved into a cheerful smile, and her grin graced the eyes of anyone who gazed upon it, causing her fellow bus riders to beam amongst themselves, affected by her contagious smile.

She fiddled with the hem of Chenle's borrowed shirt, bubbling with elation as she leaned against the wall of the bus, fascinated by the common activities and usual sights that passed by the window, utterly engrossed in them.

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