Chapter 1

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Me and Jihyo talked about random things and we got close. She's a trainee since she was a kid. She really sacrificed everything for her dream. And I want to be like her too. My dream is to stand in a crowd cheering for me and the other. We talked for awhile when two girls came downstairs.

" Good morning Nayeon and Jeongyeon." Jihyo said and the two girls came and sat beside us.

" Good morning Jihyo and? " The two then said and asked.

" Sana. Minatozaki Sana. " I said as they both nodded.

" Guys. This is Sana, a new trainee. " Jihyo said as the girls then sat properly.

" Really? Where are you from? " Nayeon asked excitedly as she smiled with her bunny teeth.

" I'm from Japan. " I replied.

" We got a new trainee from Japan too. She got here yesterday before you. Wait. Let me call her. " Nayeon said as she got up and went upstairs. I was curious to who was the trainee.

" So how did you got here? " Jeongyeon asked me.

" Pd nim saw her sleeping in a park last night with her luggages. So he decided to bring Sana here. " Jihyo answered which made Jeongyeon curious.

" Why? Why were you sleeping in a park? " Jeongyeon then again asked.

" It's a long story. You'll get bored if I tell you. " I said and we just all laughed. Nayeon then came down with a girl behind her. I turned around to see who was the girl and...

" Momo yah! " I shouted and went to hug her. " Oh my god! I missed you bitch! " I shouted in excitement.

" You guys know each other? " The three girls asked. Me and Momo nodded and went to sit beside them.

" We're best friends. But we got separated when she went here in Korea months ago. " Momo answered. " But finally! I got to see her again! " Momo screamed and we all laughed because of that.

We talked about each other and we got close after that. I didn't told them about my marriage since I'll get the divorce papers soon. It's already nearly time for lunch, so Jihyo and I decided to cook different dishes.

" You know how to cook? " Jihyo asked me.

" Yes. Why? " I asked her in curiosity.

" You look like a spoiled brat. " Jihyo said as she chuckled.

" Yah! I'm not spoiled amd specially I'm not a brat. I learned how to cook when I'm 12." I answered her and we just laughed. I hummed a song as I started cooking my dish while Jihyo is cutting her ingredients.

" Your voice is good and it's so sweet. No wonder pd nim asked you to audition. " Jihyo said as I just chuckled. We continued cooking and finally we're done.

Jeongyeon was the one who prepared the table. While Momo and Nayeon cleaned the dorm. Me and Jihyo put the dishes in plates and put in the table. We then sat at the chair beside me is Momo. Across me is Jeongyeon and Jihyo is at the center.

" The dishes looks delicious. Let's eat! " Nayeon said as she smelled the dishes. We then started  to eat.

" How old are you Sana? " Jeongyeon asked me as she chewed.

" Yah! I told you not to talk when ypur mouth is full! " Jihyo shouted.

" Sorry. " Jeongyeon apologized and I just chuckled.

" I'm 17. " I answered her.

" Oh my god! We're the same age! With Momo! " She shouted in excitement. We just laughed because of that.

" Eh? I'm still the oldest here. " Nayeon said as she pouted.

" How old are you? " I asked her.

" I'm 18." She said as I just nodded.

We talked as we finished the foods. Me and Jihyo washed the dishes while Jeongyeon cleaned the table. After that, we went back to the couch and they started to tell me the schedules.

" Sana. This is our schedules. " Jihyo said as she handed me a paper.

" At 9:00. We have to go eat our breakfast. Then we have to go check out weight. Then stretching. " Jihyo said.

" At around 12:00. We have to go to our vocal lessons. Dance lessons and JYP basic dance lessons. " Nayeon then continued.

" At around 9:00 we have to go eat our dinner. And practice on your own. And then sleep then we have to wake up at 8:00 again and get ready for the day." Jeongyeon then finished it.

" Here. This is your clock id. " Jihyo said as she gave me a clock with the time schedules in it. " You guys start tomorrow. " Jihyo said as me and Momo nodded.

Me and the girls then went to our rooms to get some rest. I put my clock id on the wall beside my bed. I grabbed my luggages and put it in the closet. After hours of fixing my things,  I then drifted off to bed.

Time skip... 

It's been months since I became a trainee. It was so hard to lose a weight. The dance class was so hard and even the vocal class. I often got scolded because of my weak vocals which made me anticipated.

The vocal teacher was so scary. Which made Momo and Jeongyeon cried before going to the class. We were in the middle of training when JYP called us and he wanted us to his office.

Me, Momo, Jeongyeon, Jihyo and Nayeon then went to the top floor where we saw other trainees sitting and waiting.

" Mina? " I called the familiar girl sitting. The girl then turned to look at me and it was Mina.

" Oh my god! Momo!  It's Mina! " I shouted as I grabbed Momo.

" Oh my god! Girls! " Mina said as she came to hug us. We hugged each other reuniting.

" When did you got here? We never saw you around. " Momo asked Mina who's now sitting beside us. And now I'm back to being at the middle again.

" Months ago. I didn't expected you guys to see you here. " She said as we just chuckled to each other.

" Seems like we really did fulfilled our goal to become a trainee. " I said and we talked to each other as we cope to each other.

" Trainees. You can now go in. " A girl then said which made me and the other girls go inside Pdnim's office.

" Good afternoon Pdnim. " We greeted and bowed to him.

" You may sit in the couch. " He said as we sat in the couch. We aren't that many so we got to sit properly.

" I called you girls because next week. You'll be doing a survival show which is Sixteen. There, you will show your skills. " Pdnim said which made everyone nervous and excited at the same time. " Prove me and the others that you're worthy enough to debut. " He continued. After I heard that my eargerness to debut then rose up on my body.

" You may go now. Good luck. " He said and we bowed as we went out of the office.

" Oh my god! I'm so nervous about this. " Momo suddenly said.

" It's okay. Let's do our best okay? We'll debut together. " I said and hugged Mina and Momo.

" We'll be going now. See you around. " Mina said as she went to her dorm mates.

" I hope we'll debut. " Momo said as I nodded in response.

" Girls? Let's go continue our training. " Jihyo said as we followed her back to our training again.

I really got the eagerness. I did everything to be good. I want to debut with my friends. And I want to show Jungkook and Yuna that I'm going to be successful like them. I don't want revenge, I'll wait for their Karma. But I want to show them that I can be stronger and better than what they think.


~ to be continued ~

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