Chapter 22

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" Kook? Are you okay? " I asked him as I saw him shedding in tears. I held his hand but he took it away.

He shed in tears for a minute before he wiped it off. I was so worried about him. Jungkook then looked at me.

" Sorry Sana. I love you but I have to do this. " He said. That words scared me. I didn't utter a word. " Let's break up. I'm choosing my career. And so you have to do it too. I love you, I will always do. I'm sorry.  " He said one last time as he stood up and walked out the café.

I was left there dumbfounded. I couldn't utter a word. I was so shocked. I couldn't move an inch to wipe my tears.

" You're so slow Sana! " I scolded myself. I haven't told him about our baby because I was so slow. I just wiped my tears and walked back to the dorm.

I was walking with tears streaming down my face. My eyes became blurry because of the tears so I wiped it off.

" I'm so sorry baby. " I mumbled as I caressed my tummy. I just made a small smile and continued to walk back to the building.

I walked towards the elevator and took off my mask. I waited and the elevator opened revealing 3 girls are also inside. I bowed to them as I went in and pushed our dorm floor.

Third Person's POV

Sana walked inside the elevator with no mask since she took it off. She pushed their dorm floor and waited for the elevator to move. She can sense the eyes that is staring at her. She looked at them and smiled.

" Annyeonghase--------.... " Sana couldn't continue her greeting as her hair was pulled by the girls. Sana screamed in pain.

" How dare you date Jungkook oppa?! " The girls shouted as they were still pulling her hair. Sana screamed in pain as she felt like her scalp was bleeding.

The girls slapped Sana multiple times. Sana was crying amd begging for them to stop. But the girls didn't listened to her. Instead they pushed and punched Sana.

Sana fell down as she felt weak because of the punched she got on her tummy.

" Please! Stop! " Sana begged. But one of the girls then kicked her which made her fell down totally. They girls kicked her stomach hard and she yelped in pain.

They stood her up and held her so that she can stand. One of the girls kicked her stomach hard as she was standing weakly. They pushed her hard which made her tummy bumped into the holder of the elevator.

They once again slapped and punched her before the elevator door opens. They pushed her out the elevator and she fell down on the ground.

" Don't! Go! Near! BTS! Again! They! Are! Ours! " The girls said as they laughed and closed the door. Sana was there crying.

She got up and walked towards their dorm weakly. She pushed the doorbell button and waited someone to open it. Sana felt a water dripping down her legs. She looked at it and she started crying.

" Jihyo! Nayeon unnie! " She shouted as she knocked on the door. The door then opened revealing Jihyo. She looked at Sana and she was shocked on what she saw.

End of POV

Jihyo's POV

I just got home. I saw the girls crying in the couch. I sat with them as I bawled my eyes out. I cried.

Me and Daniel broke up and I know the members too. I hugged Mina who is now crying hard.

I then heard a doorbell, I quickly wiped my tears. I was about to get up when I heard someone shouted my name. And I knew it's Sana.

I quickly went to open the door. I was so shocked of what I saw. Her hair was a messed her lips were bleeding. She got black eye. She was looking down and what I saw made me cry.

" Nayeon unnie! Go ready the fucking car! " I shouted which made the members came. They saw Sana fell down on the floor, crying.

Nayeon unnie quickly got out and went to the parking lot. As Jeongyeon unnie then went to carry Sana.

" Stay here. Please. " I begged the members before I walked out and followed Jeongyeon and Sana. We quickly went to the parking lot and went inside the car.

Nayeon unnie started driving at the hospital. Sana was crying so hard. Me and Jeongyeon was crying too. While Nayeon unnie did her best not to cry because she's driving.

We arrived at the hospital quickly and the nurse then came and rushed to us. Sana was brought into the ER.

" The baby. Sana's baby. " Nayeon unnie said as she sobbed. She's now crying. Jeongyeon unnie went to her and comforted her. I was now walking around, worried to the baby and to Sana.

After some minutes, the nurses then told us that we can go inside. Me, Nayeon unnie and Jeongyeon unnie then went inside. We saw Sana laying in the bed crying.

Nayeon unnie went to her and hugged her. Her bleeds and bruises have healed. The doctor then came in with a sad face. I know what's going to happen. But I expected not to be.

" Doctor. How's my baby?" Sana unnie asked the doctor. The doctor just looked down.

" I'm so sorry Ms. Sana. But the baby is gone. You had a miscarriage. " The doctor said as she excused herself. Sana then cried louder.

" No! My baby isn't dead! It's alive! Nayeon unnie! My baby! My child! " Sana shouted as she was crying. Nayeon unnie just hugged her as she was crying too.

We were all crying. Seeing Sana cry. The baby is now gone. It hurts us. By the fact, our boyfriends are now gone and Sana's baby is gone.

" My baby.. My child is now gone.. " Sana unnie cried in Nayeon unnie's arms.

Nayeon unnie then comforted her as we waited for her to calm down. We went to Sana unnie and hugged her.

" What happened? Why were you a mess? " Nayeon unnie asked as she broke the hug and looked at Sana unnie as she caressed her hair.

" J-Jungkook broke up with me. I didn't told him about our baby since he got out quickly. " Sana unnie said as she again started to tear up. " When I went back to the dorm. I saw 3 girls in the elevator. And when I went inside they started to beat me up and told me not to date Jungkook again. " She continued. She's now crying again.

We just comforted her. We then went back to the dorm and Sana unnie was spacing out and went straight to her room.

" What happened unnie? " Dahyun asked. I just looked down and went to sat with them.

" She got miscarriage. " I said which made the members more sad. I noticed that Mina wasn't there.

" Where's Mina? " I asked them.

" She went to her room. She's crying nonstop. " Chaeyoung said.

It was so sad that we have to face something like this. I just wish we could become happy again just like how it was used to be.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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