Chapter 3

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After some minutes of driving and the awkward silence in the car, we finally arrived at the restaurant. Momo got out first, as I stood up my head hit the car's ceiling.

" Ouch! " I yelped.

" Oh my god! Come here! " Momo said as she guided me to got out the car. Mina then got out laughing.

" You're still clumsy huh? " Mina said as we started laughing. Mina's parents then went inside the restaurant and so we followed them.

" Have you seen Sana's clumsiness in Sixteen? " Mina asked Momo.

" Yes! People said she's the hole of the group. Right 4D? " Momo replied and they started laughing. I just gave them glare and laughed with them right after. In Sixteen and in trainee days, people called me 4D. Because they say I'm unique and has weird personality.

We then stopped on a vacant table and we sat on the chair. As always I'm in the middle of Mina and Momo.

" Here's the menu Ma'am, Sir. " A waiter then gave us the menu.

" Order what you want girls. " Mina's dad said. I looked at the menu and a dish suddenly caught my eyes. I then moved near Momo.

" What are you getting? " I asked her as she scanned the menu.

" I'll have the steak. " She said and my face suddenly lit up.

" Me too. " I said and I got back to my orginal position again. The waiter then came again to take our orders.

" I'll have this one and a red wine please. " Mina's dad said as he point out his order.

" I'll have salad. " Mina's mom then said. " How about you girls? " She asked us.

" I'll have the steak. " The three of us said in unison. We looked at each other then laughed.

" What's this? Twins telephaty? " Mina's dad said which made us confused.

" Dad? What do you mean? I'm getting confused. " Mina then said as we nodded. We got confused and curious about what he said.

" Here. Open this and scan through it. " Mina's dad said as he gave us a envelope. We three looked at each other and opened the folder hesitantly.

We opened the folder and we saw a lot of files and pictures. We took those files out and scanned through it.

Myoui Sana

What? I took the pictures and it was a picture of three babies together. I looked at it.

" This is me. " I said as I point the picture. " This is me. " I said and looked at them in confusion.

" How did you get this? This is me beside Sana. " Momo then spoke up in confusion. I moved to her closer her and looked to her she's pointing at.

" Why are you guys here? This is me beside Sana too. " Mina then said as I went to her too. I'm in the middle between them.

" Myoui Momo? " She questioned. " What is going on? " She asked. I just went silent. I looked at the files until the waiter them came with our orders.

" Let's eat and we'll tell you later. " Mina's dad said. We started to eat but the confusion, curiosity and nervousness are filled with the 3 of us.

After minutes of eating, we finished. I looked at Momo and Mina and they are looking so nervous and confused. I took my phone and decided to play with it.

" Since you girls look so tense right now. Let's go. " Mina's dad said. We were shocked.

" Dad! I thought you're going to tell ua something. " Mina complained.

" We'll talk at the house sweetie. " Mina's mom said. We then sighed and went to the car again. As we arrived at their house. We sat down on the couch while Mina's mom went to get something.

" Please tell us now sir. " Momo pleaded.

" What's going on? My mind can't take it. " I said as I held my head with my two arms. After minutes of waiting, Mina's mom then came with a box. She put down the box and sat beside Mina's dad.

" Hays. Girls we're so sorry. " Mina's dad said.

" For what dad? " Mina asked in confusion. " Please straight to the point. " Mina then pleaded.

" Why is my surname in the files Myoui? " I asked them. Mina's parents then sighed.

" Mina, Sana, Momo. " Mina's dad called. As we hummed in response. " You're triplets. " He continued. My eyes widened and lips parted. I was so shocked. Momo got choked by her own saliva. While Mina just teared up.

" W-What do you mean? " Mina asked. Mina's mom then opened the box. She then took out a lot of files, pictures and baby clothes.

We then went near the clothes. I took the purple baby dress and there's a name on it 'Sana'. I took the files and scanned through it. I was shocked, I got shocked tears then streamed down my face.

" Me, Momo and Mina are triplets? But how did we separated? " I asked them as they looked down and tears then streamed on Mina's mom.

" When you were still a baby, Mina had the weakest body. She had a weak heart and we need to have operation. " Mina's dad said as we paid attention to it. " We don't have money to pay the operation. My friends then gave us money for the operation but in return they wanted you. " He continued. Tears didn't stopped as we listened.

" We didn't want to give you both but we also don't want Mina to die. So we sacrificed the both of you. And we're so sorry for that. But we always keep in touch to you. " Mina's mom then said. " We're so sorry Momo and Sana. We're so sorry that we sacrificed you. " She continued as me and Momo just nodded.

" I-it's okay. At least we have Mina alive. " Momo said as I just nodded in agreement.

" Thank you for raising Mina." I said as tears then started to drop more. Now that I know, ever since I was a baby. All I did was to sacrifice myself.

" Come here. " Mina's mom spread her arms we 3 then went to her and hugged her. " Oh my girls. I missed you all. " She said as we tightenend our hugged.

" How about dad? " Mina's dad said and we all then went to hug him. " Momo, Sana call us mom and dad from now on. " He said as we nodded. We hugged for awhile and finally broke up.

" That explains why I feel something weird with this too. When we first met I had the feeling I knew the both of you well. " Mina said.

" I never knew I had twins that are 4D and Introvert. " Momo then said.

" Yeah. We never also know that we had a playgirl around here. " I said which made her glare at me and we all then just laughed.

We cope things in each other. We talked for until it's already dawn. We got to know each other with mom and dad. It was so fun to have a real family with them.

" Mom, Dad, we have to go. " Mina then said which made them sad.

" We'll see each other again. " I said.

" Okay then. We'll drive you. " Dad replied and we went out the house. And drove off to our dorm.


~ to be continued ~

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