Chapter 31

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Third Person's POV

Mina was sleeping soundly. Not until she heard a sound of a creaking bed. Her brows furrowed as it was so annoying. But the creaking didn't stop.

Mina opened her eyes and looked at where the sound was coming from. And it was from Sana's. She was shocked on what she saw. She panicked.

Sana is having a seizure.

Mina panicked. There's no one who can call a doctor. Mina tried to stand up but she fell on the ground.

She took off her dextrose and crawled to the door. She stand up and held the wall as her guide.

She was panicking. Tears shedding down her face. She walked towards the Nurse Area.

" Help! " She shouted weakly. But the nurse hasn't seem to notice. Mina then fell on the floor which made the nurse look at her.

The nurse was shocked as she saw Mina on the floor. The nurse went to her to guide her but Mina refused.

" Help! My sister is having a seizure! " She said. The nurse was shocked. She then went to call a doctor. The doctor ran towards their room as the nurse helped Mina to stand up.

Mina and the nurse then went back to the room. Mina then saw Sana sleeping peacefully as if like nothing happened.

The nurse guided Mina to lay back on her bed. The nurse put on the dextrose on Mina's hand and the doctor also injected something on her.

Which made her fell asleep fast. The doctor then sighed and shook his head.

" Their condition have gotten worst. I injected them a sleeping pill valid for 3 days. " The doctor said and walked out the room. The nurse then still fixing Mina's dextrose.

The doctor then opened his room and called someone on the telephone.

On the line:

: Hello?
: Jyp Pdnim.
: Yes? Is there something wrong doc?
: Ms. Sana had a seizure.
: Oh my god!
: Don't worry. She's fine now. But their conditions have gotten worst.
: I understand. Please do everything to treat them.
: We will sir. Bye.

The doctor said as he hang up. He then sat on his swivel chair and check on Sana and Mina's condition.

End of POV

Fans'  Focus

It's been days, weeks, months have passed after the article of idols' dating happened.

Bts, Twice, Red Velvet and other groups that have been mentioned in that article has changed.

Their bubbly and happy personality have been vanished. They are always sad, cold and quiet.

The idols change a lot which made us fans sad and regretful. We regret about those harshful words and hate we have thrown.

Specially, Twice members. The members changed a lot. As in a lot. They're not that jolly and cheerful anymore.

We regret everything.

End of Focus

Third Person's POV

It's been a month since the day Mina and Sana woke up. The doctor said they can already go home today. Sana and Mina are still resting while waiting for them to be fetch.

The doctor went out their room as he walked towards his room. He dialled a number on the telephone.

On the line :

: Hello?
: Jyp sir. The girls are fine now. They can go home today.
: Really?
: Yes sir.
: Thank you doctor.
: My pleasure sir.

The doctor then hang up. He sat on his swivel chair and wrote something on his prescription pad.

After minutes, Jyp then arrived at the hospital and he went to Sana and Mina's room.

He saw them sitting on the couch while eating and watching a movie. He walked inside the room and the girls notice him.

" Good afternoon Pdnim. " The girls greeted as they bowed.

" Good afternoon girls. Let's go? " He asked. The girls nodded and followed him. " Please sit down there first. I'll just go pay for your bills. " Jyp said as he pointed at the bench.

Sana and Mina then nodded as they went to the bench and sat there. They looked down as they were shy to face the people.

Jyp then went to the cashier. He paid Sana and Mina's bills. It's a big amount of money but it's okay for him as the girls are fine.

Jyp then walked to the lobby and there he saw the doctor. He went to the doctor and thanked him.

" Sir. These are the medicines for them. " The doctor said as he gave Jyp the medicines. Jyp jaw dropped as he saw a lot of medicines.

" This is the prescription. It states there the time to drink their medicines. And I also gave them a sleeping pill for their seizures, which is valid of a day. I also put inhalers for their panic attacks. There's also a medicine for their panic attacks. " The doctor said and Jyp just listened to him.

" And sir. Please take care of them. As they will have panic attacks and phobias. That's all. " The doctor then said. As he handed the prescription note.

" Thank you doctor. " Jyp said and the doctor just bowed to him. Jyp then turned around and he saw the girls looking down.

" Let's go? " Jyp said which made the girls look at him. Sana and Mina nodded. They stood up and followed Jyp to the parking lot.

They went inside the car and Jyp started the engine. They then drove off.

" Pdnim. What have we missed? " Sana and Mina asked him. Jyp looked at them in the rearview mirror.

" You girls missed a lot. But it's okay, atleast you're okay now. " He answered which made the girls smile at him.

" Where's the members Pdnim? " Sana asked. Her brows furrowed in confusion.

" I planned not to tell them. We should surprise them. " He answered. Mina and Sana looked at each other then giggled.

They arrived at the building. Jyp went to the parking lot and parked the car. He then grabbed the bag of medicines and got out the car followed by Sana and Mina.

They then went inside the building. Sana and Mina just looked down. A lot of staffs greeted them so they just bowed without looking at them.

Jyp and the girls then went inside the elevator. Jyp pushed their dorm's floor button and the elevator then closed.

The elevator then moved upward and it stop on their floor. Sana and Mina then squealed in excitement. They walked towards their dorm room and Jyp pushed the doorbell.

" Coming!! " A shout form inside was being heard. The door then opened revealing Jihyo.

" Pdnim, what are yo-------... Sana!! Mina!! Girlss!! " Jihyo then said which made the two chuckled.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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