Chapter 33

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Jungkook's POV

We're done to our first promotion to our comeback. We worked hard for this comeback to become successful and I hope it will.

Me and my hyungs are now here at the living room, taking a rest. Rm hyung is on his phone while me and the others are watching a movie.

We were watching when Rm hyung shouted. As in a really really loud shout.

" OH MY GOD!! "He shouted. We looked at him annoyed and curious at the same time. " You should see this. " He said as he turned his phone to show us.

It's an article.

Twice Sana and Mina has been discharged from the hospital today. Jyp confirmed.

The article says.

Me and the members are shocked yet happy at the same time. We can't believe on what we just read. We were so happy.

" Do you think they watched our performance? " Jimin hyung asked.

" Maybe. " I then answered. I was so happy because they're already fine. But sad at the same time because we can't be together. And I think she already moved on.

We just continued watching as we talked about our next promotion stages.

It's already evening, so Jin hyung then went to the kitchen to cook our dinner. While me and the others are here in the living room still watching movies.

" It's too boring. Let's watch variety shows. " Jhope hyung said as he moved the channel. We're now watching Knowing Bros, and it's a throwback episode.

It just started so it's okay. Webwere watching when the door on the set suddenly opened harshly which made the bros startled.

We looked to who opened it and it's Jihyo noona. Oh it's Twice. They are dress to like a bad ass group.

We laughed at their sudden appearance. We watched and laughed at the same time. Until Jin hyung then shouted.

" Dinner's ready. " He shouted from the kitchen.

" Let's eat here at the living room. We're watching something fun. " Rm hyung said while still focusing on the screen.

We eat our dinner in the living room while we watched the episode. After eating and watching, we then went to our rooms while Jhope hyung washed the dishes.

I went to my bathroom to take a quick shower and do my night routine. I then put on my pajamas and fell asleep.

End of POV

Third Person's POV

" Mina unnie, are you okay? You look pale. " Dahyun said as she put her palm on Mina's forehead.

" I'm fine Dahyunie. Don't worry. " Mina then answered. Jihyo looked at the window and it's raining. She got up from the couch and closed the windows.

Mina suddenly felt dizzy but she didn't show it to her members. She held her head but her vision then became black and her body fell down from the couch.

" Mina! " Sana shouted as she saw Mina having a seizure. The girls then panicked on what they saw. They didn't know what to do. They circled around Mina as they were trying to stop her seizure but there's no use.

Little did they not know, Sana went to the kitchen and tried to find the sleeping pills. She opened all the cabinets and when she found it, she heard a loud bang.

" Ahhhh!!! " She shouted as she started to panic. She went to the corner as she hold her ears with her hands. She's crying.

Meanwhile, the others are still panicking. Nayeon then moved which made the glass vase to fell on the floor which caused a loud bang.

Jeongyeon heard a scream as she heard the shattering sound.

" Sana. " She mumbled. She then went to find Sana but she couldn't find her everywhere. She went to the kitchen and there she saw her on the corner, crying with her hands on her ears and she's trembling.

Sana couldn't stop crying as she was scared. Jeongyeon held her arms and tried to calm her down but it's no use. Sana is still trembling in fright.

Jihyo then came in the kitchen to grabbed the sleeping pills. She saw Sana crying and Jeongyeon calming her down.

Jihyo panicked so she grabbed a two sleeping pills.

" Here. Let her drink it. " She said as she handed Jeongyeon the pill. Jeongyeon then stood up and grabbed a water.

She helped Sana to drink the medicine. After some minutes, Sana then calmed down and slept on Jeongyeon's shoulder.

Jihyo helped Mina to drink the sleeping pill as she was still having a seizure. After some minutes, Mina then calmed down and fell asleep on Jihyo's lap.

" Where's Sana? " Momo asked as she looked around. Jeongyeon then came out the kitchen with Sana in her arms.

" I'll just put her to her room. " Jeongyeon said as she went upstairs.

Jeongyeon then came back. Jihyo then called Jyp and she told about what happened. After some minutes, the doorbell then rang. Nayeon got up and opened the door revealing Jyp.

Jyp got inside their dorm and sat on their couch. Jihyo then went to make a juice for all of them.

" We were so focus on Mina that we forgot about Sana. " Jeongyeon then said.

" It hurts me seeing them like that. " Momo then said.

" Just take care of them, okay? " Pdnim said and the girls nodded.

They talked about Sana and Mina and about random things. Jyp then bid his good bye as he went out the door.

The girls just ask for food delivery. And they ate the food peacefully. They then went to their rooms and got ready as they then went to sleep.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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