Chapter 34

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It's been a month since Mina and Sana came back home. We're happy about them being back but we're anxious because we can see the sadness, coldness and pain in every members eyes.

Maybe because of what happened. Their break ups. I can see in every members that they still have some feelings for their ex boyfriends.

I want to do something about it. I don't want my girls to suffer, I don't want to see my girls being like that.

I am now here at my office, thinking of a way to make the girls back with their selves again.

An idea then popped out my mind. I smiled at the thought of it. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my contacts to find the number. I clicked the number and called it. The number rings a lot of times before it got answered.

On the line :

: Hello?
: Bang Pd. Are you busy today?
: No Jyp, why?
: I want to discuss something with you. Are you free?
: What is it?
: Come to my office after lunch.
: Okay then. I'll see you.
: See you Bang Pd.

I said as I hang up the call. I put down my phone. I smiled at thought of my idea.

" I hope you'll agree with me, my friend. " I mumbled as I smiled widely.

I waited until it's already 1:00 in the afternoon. A knocked on the door has been heard.

" Come in. " I said. The door then opened revealing Bang Pd. I stood up and went towards him.

" Good afternoon Bang Pd. " I said as I bowed.

" Oh come on Jinyoung. We're friends, don't be too formal. " He said. We then laughed. I went back to my seat and he then sat on the chair infront of my table.

" So what are we going to talk about Jinyoung? " Bang asked me.

" How's your boys? " I asked him. He looked down and I can see sadness in his eyes. He sighed.

" I don't know. It feels like they're not their selves anymore. They're not bubbly anymore and they're always sad. They barely even talk. I feel like Bts isn't the Bts I know before. " He said as he looked down.

" I feel like that to my girls too. Two of the members committed suicide, luckily they survived. Si Hyuk, you know I want my girls happiness to be back again. I can't stand seeing them in sadness. " I said to him. He then looked at me.

" What do you want to do then? " He asked me.

" I don't know if you'll agree with my idea but, let's make a collab concert for them. Without them knowing. " I said.

" What?! " Bang exclaimed and stood up in shocked. . " Are you kidding me Jinyoung? " He asked me.

" Do I look like I'm fooling around? " I asked him. " Don't you want your boys to be happy? " I then again asked him which made him sat down again.

" I do. " He said. " If that's the way of them being happy again, then I'm in. " He then said. I laughed.

" Si Hyuk, that's not it. " I said which made him confused.

" What then? " He asked me.

" Let's set them up. Let's invite their exes, bring them back together. " I said. Si Hyuk eyes went wide but let out a smile after.

" What's the plan? " He asked me.

" Let's have a concert, a collab concert of Bts and Twice. We'll invite their exes to the concert without them knowing. Let's make this a secret to them. " I said. Me and Si Hyuk smiled at each other.

We then talked for a bit until we then have to go back at his company.

" I have to go now Jinyoung. " He said. We greeted each other and he went out my office.

I sat down on my swivel chair and smiled to myself.

" I hope this plan would work. " I mumbled to myself and took a bit rest.

After some minutes of resting, I called Twice's manager and staffs to come and have a meeting at the meeting room.

I sat at the chair in the middle while I wait for them. After some minutes, they then came in and sat down at the chairs.

" Okay. Let's start. " I said as I fixed my position of sitting. " We'll hold a collab concert of Twice and BTS. " I announced. I saw their faces became shocked and their eyes widened.

" But sir. How about the fans? What will they say? " Twice Manager then asked.

" Let's just ignore them. Our focus in this concert is their happiness. Whether you want it or not, we will do the concert. Big Hit already agreed." I then said. The others don't have any choice so they just agreed.

" Just tell them that they're going to have a concert, don't mention about the collab. And if possible, confiscate their phones. " I then said as we planned their concert.

After the meeting, I then walked out from the room and went to my office. I sat on my swivel chair when the telephone rang.

On the line :

: Hello?
: Jinyoung! Their staffs and managers agreed. They're working on the ticket.
: That's great then Si Hyuk.
: Will we have the same ticket? Or what?
: No. No. We have to make different tickets but we'll put their the collab concert.
: What are you trying to say?
: We have to make different tickets.
: Then?
: We'll make the collaboration anonymous.
: So you mean, we have to make their collaboration anonymous, like not to put the name of the group they're collaborating?
: Yes. Yes.
: Okay then. Bye.

He then said and hang up. Argh! It's so hard to explain to him. Si Hyuk hasn't changed and that made me smile.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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