Chapter 27

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Third Person's POV

The next day. Twice woke up by the sound of the birds chirping a song outside their windows. They smiled happily as they got up from their beds and stretched their bodies.

Today is the day where they can visit their 2 members. They missed them so much since they didn't saw them for weeks.

The girls then walked to their bathrooms humming their song 21:29. It's a song that they all composed together. Twive then took a bath and got ready.

They then wore their clothes and put a bit of makeup. They then put on their shoes as they grabbed their things and phones and went downstairs.

" What's for breakfast unnies? " Tzuyu asked as she got down the stairs humming a song cheerfully.

" Should we make a fruit salad for breakfast? I'm not that hungry for some heavy foods. " Nayeon unnie said. The girls then just nodded as they went to the kitchen.

They helped each other cut the fruits. They wanted to be quick as they all want to see Mina and Sana.

After they cutted the fruits, they then mix it all together. They then get the bowl of fruits and went to the living room and shared it to each other.

" Are you all done eating? " Jihyo then asked her members as they nodded.

" Let's go!! " Jihyo then shouted as the others then got up. They put on their masks and caps as they went outside the building.

Jeongyeon was the one who drive the van for them. They talked to each other as they were driving to the hospital.

After some minutes, they then arrived. Jeongyeon drove to the parking lot and parked the van. They then got out the van and walked inside the hospital.

They got inside the lobby but they saw a van stopped infront of the hospital. They got curious to who was it and they saw Jungkook and Jimin getting out the van.

They then ran towards Sana and Mina's room as they wanted to be there before the 2. Momo went towards Mina and Sana as she gave them kisses on theit foreheads.

They talked to each other but stopped when a knocked was being heard at the door. Jihyo then stood up and opened the door revealing Jungkook and Jimin.

" Good morning ladies. " The boys greeted and bowed. Twice then stood up and bowed to them.

" Good morning sunbaenims. " They then greeted too.

" We should go get some snacks. " Jihyo then said as she signaled the girls to go after her and to leave the boys with the two.

The girls went out the room leaving Mina and Sana with Jungkook amd Jimin. They sat on the side of their beds.

Jungkook and Jimin looked at the girls who are still unconscious and still looking pale.

End of POV

Jungkook's POV

We arrived at the hospital room of Sana and Mina. We knocked on the door and Jihyo noona came to open it for us.

" Good morning ladies. " We greeted as we bowed. They also greeted back. They said that they'll go buy snacks, so they all went out. Leaving the gour of us.

I sat on the chair beside Sana's bed. I held her arms and caressed it. I looked at her face and it's so pale and weak.

Tears then flowed down my eyes so I leaned my head down to her bed. I sobbed silently. I then looked up and I saw Jimin hyung crying.

" You must have been in a very hard time Jagi. " I said as I caressed her hand. " If only you could transfer your pain to me. " I then again said.

I just cried and cried until I felt myself calmed down. The girls then came back with some foods and drinks with them. They invited us to eat with them.

" How's your careers sunbaenim? " Jihyo asked to break the silence between us.

" It was tiring and fun at the same time. But we just couldn't take Sana and Mina off our heads. " Jimin hyung said as he looked at the two laying down unconscious.

" How have you been promoting without the two? " I asked them as I drank my water.

" It was quite hard adjusting. And it saddens us by the fact we're only 7 promoting. " Nayeon noona said.

We talked about some stuffs. Until it's already evening and we have to go back home. I went to Sana as I bid her my good bye.

" I'll see you soon Jagi. Please wait for me. Good bye. I love you. " I said as I kissed her forehead. Me and Jimin hyung then glanced back before we walked out the door leaving the girls.

We then went inside our van and we drove back to our dorm. We walked inside, we saw the members sitting on the couch as they were watching some movies. Me and Jimin hyung then went to them.

" How are they? " Jin hyung asked, as he put a popcorn in his mouth.

" They look pale and weak. " I asnwered him. He just nodded and rubbed my back.

" How about the others? " Taehyung then asked referring to the other members, I think.

" They're fine but their sadness they're feeling can't be denied. " Jimin hyung then answered.

We watched some movies as we talked about the girls and other stuffs. When our manager then came in with foods in his hands.

" Here's your dinner. " He said as he put down the paper bags.

" Thank you manager nim. " We thanked him in unison. He just nodded. We was about to walked out the door when he turned back.

" Tomorrow. Practice for your next concert. " He then said as he went out the door. We just sighed and just ate our dinner.

After eating, we then went to our room and take a rest. For tomorrow is going to be tiring again. And it'll be nonstop.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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