Chapter 2

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I woke up because of my alarm ringing. I got up from my bed and stretched my body. I then went to the bathroom and got ready. I wore my yellow dress and a heels. I brushed my hair and put a bit makeup on it. Today is the day wherw we'll be featured in the survival show Sixteen.

" Sana yah! Come on! We have to go! " Momo shouted from the other side.

" I'm coming! " I said as I looked at myself from the mirror again. I smiled as I was satisfied on my look. I fixed my dress and went downstairs where I saw Nayeon, Momo, Jihyo and Jeongyeon already waiting.

" We can do this girls. We'll be debut together. " Jihyo said and we hugged each other and went to the studio. I saw Mina so I walked towards her.

" Mina! " I called her and she looked back at me. We gave each other a hug. " How are you? " I asked her and she smiled at me.

" I'm good but I'm not with you and Momo. " She said as she pouted which made me chuckled.

" Yah! Don't be too dramatic. We're here. " I said as I caressed her hair.

" Girls! Line up! The show is about to start! " The girl shouted and I bid my good bye to Mina as I went to my place.

We waited for some minutes, then the show started. We were called on the stage and so we went there. Pdnim then started to talk about the show and he instructed us about it.

Me and the other trainees got to know each other because we trained together. And we practiced together so it's a bit hard to compete with them.

" You will be divided into 2 groups. Minor and Major. " Jyp pdnim then said which made me nervous because I don't know what group will I be placed.

" Sana? " He then called me. I put up my arms for him to see me.

" You'll be in minor. " He said. I was sadden because I'm a minor. I then went to my place. I was so sad about the thought of me being a minor but I thought of positivity. " Ah. This is how it will start. " I mumbled to myself.

Third Person's POV

The survival show then started. The nervousness, excitement, and eagerness was filled by their hearts. Sana was sad because she's in minor while Mina and Momo are majors.

The competition between them became hassle. On the 4th round, Momo got eliminated which made Mina and Sana sad. The girls got switched places a lot of times.

After months of challenges, they finally got to the last round.

" It's the last round guys. Let's have fun tonight. " Sana said as they put their hands in the center. " FIGHTING! " They shouted.

They then went to the stage to perform their last round performance.

After they performed the Minor team then followed.

As they finally finished their performance. They felt the sadness around them.

After Jyp announced the 8 members of Twice.

" The 9th member of Twice is......... Momo. " Jyp announced. Mina and Sana cried in happiness because they got to debut together.

The girls then went to the front to welcome Momo. They hugged each other.

" Congratulations to the JYP's new girl group Twice! " The Mc said and the crowd cheered. Mina, Sana and Momo hugged each other in happiness.

" I'm so happy right now! " Momk said in between her tears.

" We will debut together! " Sana shouted as she hugged the girls.

" Congratulations my princesses. " A man said. As he walked towards the three girls with a woman beside him.

" Dad! Mom! " Mina shouted as she went to them. Momo and Sana then got curious about what the man said.

End of POV

Little did they know.
Momo's POV

After I got eliminated, I was so sad that I won't debut with Sana and Mina.

I am now sitting on a chair here in a room waiting for the other members. The door then opened and I saw Mina and Sana walked towards me, crying.

" Yah! Momo yah! " Sana said as she hugged me. My tears then started to stream down my face.

" I'm sorry. " I said as the two shooked their heads.

" It's not your fault. We're sorry. " Mina replied to me. They hugged me tight and the other members too. They then got called so they need to go now. Sana and Mina hugged me one last time as they went out. They all got out but I grabbed Nayeon and Jihyo's hands. They looked at me with full of confusion.

" Please take care of those two. " I said.

" Why? What's wrong with them? " Jihyo asked worriedly.

" Sana has depression while Mina has anxiety. Please take care of them. " I said as they noddes and hugged me. They then walked out. I got my luggages and walked out the building.

End of POV

" Congratulations my princesses. " A man said. The three of us turned to look at who was it and we saw Mina's parents.

" Dad! Mom! " Mina shouted and ran to them. Me and Momo looked at each other curiously.

" What? " I whispered to her but she made a ' i-don't-know-look '.

" Uhm? Excuse me? What? " Momo asked in curiosity. But Mina's parents just smiled to us.

" Let's go have dinner. " Mina's mom offered. Me and Momo looked at Mina and she looked confused too. " We have something important to talk about. " She continued.

Me, Momo and Mina then just nodded. And we went to their car and we drove to a restaurant.

Mina's mom POV

As they announced the Twice members. I saw Mina and two girls hugging each other as they sobbed on each other's shoulders.

" Honey. Maybe it's time for the three to know the truth. " My husband said as I looked at him.

" Won't they be shocked about it? I'm afraid. " I replied to him.

" Don't be afraid honey. They will understand. I got proofs. " He said and kissed my forehead. I nodded to him ad we walked towards Mina, Sana and Momo.

" Congratulations my princesses. " My husband congratulated them. They then looked at us.

" Dad! Mom! " Mina came and hugged us.

" Uhm? Excuse me? What? " Momo then questioned in confusion. As well as Mina and Sana looked at us. Curiosity and confusion are seen in their eyes.

" Let's go have dinner. " I offered them. But they looked at each other hesitantly. " We have something important to talk about. " I then continued. They frowned in confusion but still nodded. We then got inside the car and drove off.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

Argh! This chapter is such a cliché.

I got cringe on constructing my sentences.

I'm sorry because of that. I will work hard on the next chapters.


Thank you

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