Chapter 23

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Mina's POV

I went to the park Jimin told me to meet up. I was so sad but we have to do it for the both of us. I sat down on a bench away from the public's eyes.

I waited for him to come and luckily, he came just in time. He was looking down and he can't even look up to my eyes. I know we both are such in pain.

" I'm so sorry Mina. But we really have to do this, not for us only but for the people around us. " Jimin said as soon as she sat beside me. There's a space between us.

" I know Jimin. I'm sorry too. Please don't forget how much I love you. " I answered him and smiled bitterly.

" Let's cut our ties. I'm sorry. " He then said as he bowed to me before walking away. As soon as I saw him, drive away. My tears then began to shed.

I cried at the park until I felt a bit fine. I then got up from the bench and decided to walk back home.

I was walking when felt my phone vibrated. I fished my phone on my picket to check what was it. It's a message from an unknown number.

I got curious and confused. So I stopped my tracks and read the message. I was so shocked. My hands then trembled as I was scared.

I saw you and Jimin. I took pictures of the two of you. Stay away from him or else I'll kill you. Stay away from BTS or else I'll kill you and your members. I'll kill you Myoui Mina.

The message says. I looked around and I found a lot of people walking their paths. I quickly continued my tracks as tears then started to fall as I was scared.

I arrived at the dorm and cried my eyes there. I was so scared and my hands are still trembling. I walked to the living room and I saw the members there except for Sana.

They are also bawling their eyes out. I sat down on a corner of the couch and started to cry. Jihyo then came to me amd comforted me but it's still no use since I was too scared.

Then, the doorbell rings. Jihyo then wiped her tears. But before she could get up we heard Nayeon unnie and Jihyo's name has been called in shout.

Jihyo then quickly ran to the door and opened it. She then shouted at Nayeon unnie to start the car which made me and the other members went to look what was happening.

We saw Sana on the floor crying with bruises and bleeds. We then look at what she was looking and there was blood dripping on her legs. We got panicked, we cried. Jeongyeon unnie then went to carry her.

" Stay here. Please. " Jihyo begged as she started crying amd walked to follow Sana. Momo closed the door as we started to cry.

" Sana. The baby. " Momo then sobbed. We sat back on the couch and stared at the floor while tears still streaming down my face.

I got up from my seat and walked towards my door. As I closed the door and locked the door, I then went to my bed and sat down.

My phone then dings. I looked at it and it's a notification. I opened the notification and my tears then started to flow more.

' Slut! '

' Go and die! '

' Kill yourself! '

' My decision was right about not stanning Twice! '

' Sluts! '

I read those comments. I cried until I fell asleep on my bed while tears are streaming down my face.

End of POV

As soon as we got home, I walked straight to my room and locked it. I sat on my bed and stared at the floor. My heart hurts. I cried myself out.

I phone then dings. I quickly got my phone expecting it was Jungkook's text. But it's just a notification. I opened the notification and I cried more at what I read.

' Slut! '

' Go and die! '

' Kill yourself! '

' My decision was right about not stanning Twice! '

' Sluts! '

I read the comments which made me cry more. I grabbed the brown envelope and stared at the result of the ultrasound as tears ran down my face.

I then screamed amd covered my ears as I started to hear the voice again. I crawled at my bed as my hands are still on my ears. Crying by the voice whispering death to me.

Third Person's POV

Mina woke up by the voice inside her head. She covered her ears as she started to cry and screamed to stop it.

' You deserve death! '

' Kill yourself Mina. '

" Stop! Please! " She shouted as she tightened her grip on her ears. She cried. He hit her head on the wall to stop the voice but it got more louder.

" Stop!! " She shouted louder and hit her head more hard on the wall. Her head then became dizzy as she started not to think straight.

Mina grabbed a blade in his drawer as she started to cut herself. One and one and one and one. She cutted herself multiple times.

She then felt more dizzy, so she hit her head hard on the wall to ease the dizziness. But it didn't stopped.

She screamed more as she deepen the blade on her arms. The others couldn't hear her screams because their rooms are sound proof.

Mina was shocked as she felt that her head was being pulled hard and bumped it to the wall real hard. Her head then automatically bumped itself on the wall.

Mina then cutted herself more and more until she passed out and fell on the floor hard. Bloods dripped to the floor and she's unconscious.


Sana crawled over her bed as she covered her ears with her hands. Screaming so loud because of the voice.

She cried and pleaded to stop. Sana couldn't do anything. Sana cutted herself as she was not in herself.

" Stop! Please! " Sana begged as she cutted herself more.

' Nobody loves you anymore Sana. '

' Die! '

' You're no use in this world! '

' Die! '

' Do it! '

' Kill yourself Sana! '

' Do it! '

The voice said. She became frustrated and bumped her head to the wall a lot of times real hard.

She started to cut herself more until it became deeper. She shouts in pain, in real pain.

She then slid the blade on her neck causing it to bleed. She bumped her head more as she get more hallucinations.

Which made her do it. She cutted more deeper. Sana suddenly felt dizzy until she passed out. She fell from her bed to the floor hitting her head real hard.

Mina and Sana was unconscious on their own rooms, dripping blood to the floor and tears sliding down their eyes.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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