Chapter 10

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" Sana. Let's break up. " Jimin said. Tears started to drift off my face. It hurts so bad. I love him amd I know that he love me too. He was about to go when I grabbed his wrist.

" N-No. Jimin please no. " I pleaded him but he took his hands from my grip and he walked towards his car. I fell down on my knees as I stared crying. I heard how his car went away.

" I love you Park Jimin. " I mumbled to myself. I stood up and walked to our dorm. I got inside and went straight to my room and locked it.

I sat down on my bed as tears still didn't stop on falling. My phone dings a lot of times. I took my phone and opened it.

' You're such a slut Sana! '

' You deserve to die! '

' You're a slut! '

' Jimin is only for Mina! '

' A betrayer! '

' Whore! '

' Bitch! Go die! '

I read those hurtful words. It's like a stab on my heart. I moved backwards when I heard a voice in my ear.

" You deserve to die! "

Fuck! Why do you have to come back?! I heard that words repeatedly on my head. I cried as I was so scared and hurt.

I hit my head on the wall a lot of times. But the voice still hasn't stop. I bumped my head on the wall this time harder. The voice then vanished but I started to feel dizzy.

Mina hates me, the members hates me, the fans hates me, Jimin broke up with me and our sales decreased. It's all my fault. I deserve to die. It hurts me. My chest hurts.

I crawled towards my side table and got a blade. I cutted myself multiple times. Blood then started to drip. I cutted myself more. I suddenly felt dizzy and weak. I tried to crawl on my bed but my eyes then drifted off.

I passed out.

Dahyun's POV

Me, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu was in the living room waiting for Sana unnie to come home. The unnies went to Mina unnie. We were so shocked of what happened.

We were sitting when the door opened revealing Sana unnie. Her eyes were puffy and red. She didn't saw us as she went straight to her room. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu looked at her as she went upstairs.

" She seemed to kind of depressed. " Chaeyoung said. I looked at her and so is Tzuyu. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and put water into it. I went to her room and knocked but I never received a response. I went back to the kitchen and put the water on the table.

" Tzu. Can you get the spare key for Sana unnie's room? " I asked her. She nodded and went to get the key. She gave me the key and I walked towards unnie's room. I opened it and I was shocked to what I saw.

" Shit! Anyone call manager nim! " I shouted as I went to Sana unnie who's laying on the floor covered with a pool of blood. I panicked. The members didn't move a single inch like they ignored my scream.

" What the fuck?!  You guys are so fucking useless!! " I shouted at them as I grabbed my phone and called 911. The members came to me looking so angry to what I said.

" What did you just said Dahyun?! " Jeongyeon unnie shouted at me.

" I said!! You're so useless!! Sana unnie is fucking dying  and you all are just getting mad at her!!  " I shouted which made all the members came and was shocked to see Sana unnie.

" What now?! You're going to look at her?! Fuck you all!! " I shouted as the emergency then came and took Sana unnie in the stretcher.

" Go and do your businesses!! You're acting like you don't care for Sana unnie!! " I shouted at them as I followed Sana unnie to the ambulance. I cried as I saw her unconscious. It hurts me seeing her like this. And it hurts me shouting at them.

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