Chapter 24

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Jihyo's POV

Me and the other members are now in the living room. It's already evening. I stood up and went tp the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Mina and Sana hasn't went out of their rooms yet. I opened the fridge and get the ingredients.

I cutted the ingredients while I cooked the rice. I then put the ingredients and cooked the dishes.

After minutes of cooking, I then went to call the other members.

" Girls! It's dinner! Come on! " I shouted at them. They then came inside the dining and sat on their designated seats.

We ate our dinner without uttering a single word. A tear then escaped Momo's eyes as she felt emptiness beside her.

Jeongyeon unnie who is beside her patted her back to comfort her. Momo looked at us and smiled weakly.

We then continued to eat our dinner. After we were done. I then get ready the foods for Mina and Sana.

" Nayeon unnie. Please take this one to Sana. " I said. She then smiled as she took the plate. I took the other one for Mina.

Me and Nayeon unnie then went upstairs and stopped at Mina and Sana's room. We knocked on their doors but there was no response.

We knocked again but still no response. We tried to turn the doorknob but it was locked.

" Sana! Please open the door! " Nayeon unnie said and knocked on the door again.

" Dahyun ah! Please give us the spare keys for Sana and Mina's room! " I shouted. After minutes, Dahyun then came with the keys on her hands.

She gave it to us as we unlocked their doors. I was about to walked inside Mina's room when I heard Nayeon unnie.

" Sana!!! SANA!!! " Nayeon unnie shouted. She was crying. I got scared so and I walked quickly to Mina's room.

My gripped in the plate loosen which made the plates shattered down the floor. Tears suddenly fell down my tears.

" Jeongyeon!! Call an ambulance please!! " Nayeon unnie shouted. I walked towards Mina and the blood has dried. Which means it's been hours.

" Jeongyeon unnie!! Please!! " I shouted too. I cried and sobbed as I hugged Mina's unconscious body.

The members then came in and was shocked on what they saw. Momo ran inside and shed her tears. Her hands trembled. She then went out from the room.

End of POV

Momo's POV

We heard the shouts and cries of Nayeon unnie and Jihyo. Me and the members quickly ran to Mina's room as Jeongyeon unnie called an ambulance.

My hands trembled as I saw Mina's unconscious body. Tears them went down my face. I went outside Mina's room and ran towards Sana's.

I saw Nayeon unnie hugging Sana's unconscious body as she was crying and trying to wake her up.

" SANA!! SANA!! " I shouted as I saw her terrible look. I cried more as I saw her cuts on her neck.

Her cuts are more deeper than Mina's her head was bleeding. The blood are now dried.

" SANA!! " I then again shouted as I cried. The other members then came in amd cried more as they saw Sana's condition.

The ambulance then arrived as they took Mina and Sana's body in a stretcher.

" Tell Jyp Pdnim. We'll go. " Jihyo said as she cried more. We then nodded. As they went out the dorm and followed the nurses. The bloods stinks as it was already dried.

Me and the members then went to Jyp Pdnim's office still crying so hard. Dahyun knocked as we heard Pdnim said " Come in. " we quickly went inside.

He was shocked as he saw us crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I just fell down on the floor crying.

" Why are you crying? " Pdnim asked as he was so confused.

" M-Mina and S-Sana unnie was rushed to the hospital Pdnim. " Tzuyu said in between her sobs.

" What?! " Pdnim shouted as he was shocked. " Let's go. " He said. Jeongyeon unnie and Tzuyu helped me got up as we went to the parking lot.

We went inside the van, as Jyp Pdnim drove to the hospital. Me and thw members are still crying. Jeongyeon unnie's phone then rang. She picked it up. She put it in a loud speaker for us to hear it.

On the line :

: Hello?
: Where are you? Please come quickly.
: Where's Mina and Sana?
: They are now in the ER. Please come quickly.
: On our way.

The call then ended.

After minutes of driving, we then arrived at the hospital. And we quickly went inside running to the ER. We saw Jihyo and Nayeon sitting on the bench as they cried.

We went to them and hugged them. We cried in each other's shoulders.

" Girls. Come here. " Pdnim said as he spreaded him arms on us. We went to him and cried. Pdnim comforted us until we calmed down.

We then sat on the bench and waited for the doctor to come out. After an hour of waiting, the doctor then came out with a sad face. I then ran towards the doctor.

" How are they doctor? " I asked him. Nayeon unnie, Jihyo and Pdnim then came towards us.

" We have a good news and a bad news. " The doctor then said.

" Please tell us the good news first doctor." Nayeon unnie then said. The doctor nodded.

" We already stopped their bleeding. And we did blood transfusion in them too. " The doctor said. We sighed in relief because of that.

" How about the bad news doc? " Pdnim then asked. We then looked at the doctor nervously. The doctor deep sighed.

" They're still in a critical condition. They are both in a coma. They'll be transferred in their room in awhile. " The doctor said as he excused himself. Tears then flowed down my eyes again.

" Critical? They're still not fine? " I mumbled. Nayeon unnie then came to me as she comforted me.

" They should share a room Pdnim. We can't leave them all alone in their rooms. They should share a room. Less hassle. " Tzuyu then said as Pdnim nodded.

Pdnim went and arranged their room as we just sit here and waiting for them.

After an hour, they then got transferred to their room. We went to their room and we saw them laying in their beds unconscious.

I walked near them. I saw bandages on their arms and bandage on Sana's neck. They look so pale and weak. Tears then started to shed again.

" I'm so sorry. I wasn't there beside you. " I whispered. I quickly wiped my tears as I heard the door opened.

We looked at it and it's Pdnim.

" Next week is the release of our comeback. How will we promote? " Jihyo then asked sadly.

" I'm sorry girls. But you have to do it. With you 7. " Pdnim said which made us more sad. " Let's do it for Sana and Mina. " He then continued. He just smiled and nodded.

" We have to go now. We'll visit them again tomorrow, it's late already. " Pdnim then said again. We just smiled weakly and bid our goodbyes to Mina and Sana.

" We'll be back tomorrow. " I said as I kissed her foreheads. We then walked out their room and went back to our dorm. We cleaned the bloods that had scattered before we went to sleep.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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