Chapter 4

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Me, Mina and Momo finally arrived at the dorm. We sat on the couch with the other members.

" We'll debut soon. " Jeongyeon said as we rest. I'm laying on Jihyo's lap and Momo is laying in my lap.

" We finally got to debut soon. We'll be facing more challenges together. " I said as I stared at the ceiling.

" I hope we can overcome it together, as a group. " Jihyo replied to me. We then put our hands in the center. " Twice! Fighting! " We shouted and we laughed.

Time skip...  Months later...

Months passed and we already released our debut song ' Like Ohh Ahh '. We're here at the waiting room preparing for our promotion.

" Girls. Get ready, you're next. " The staff said. We stood up and went to the backstage. We then went to the stage and positioned ourselves.

After we performed, the crowd then cheered on us. We went back to the waiting room.

" You girls did a great job! " Our manager then said.

" Thank you manager nim. "We said as we rest ourselves.

We promoted multiple times and we got a lot of fans with that.

Time skip...

Months later,  it's already 2016 and we again released our second song ' Cheer Up'. As the MV was released it gained a lot of views and attention. We also got our first win. Today is our 12th stage to promote the song.

I am here with the members waiting for our turn. Gfriend is currently performing. Yuna is there. Oh I forgot it's Yuju.

" Sana unnie! " Tzuyu shouted as she came and sat beside me. She is holding a piece of cake.

" Here. " She said as she gave me the cake.

" It's your food Tzuyu ah. " I said but she nodded sideways and smiled at me.

" It's for you. " She said as I smiled and thanked her.

" Here. Let's eat this together. " I said as I offered her the other fork as we eat the cake.

" Girls. Come on. It's your turn! " The staff said. Menand Tzuyu then drink water and went to the backstage. I saw Bts on the other side of the stage talking to each other. I rolled my eyes and we then went to the stage to perform.

After we perform, we went back to the waiting. I saw Bts on the backstage where we are going. I deep sighed and walked, bowed and passed them. I was about to walk but someone grabbed my arm. I turned to look at it and it was.......... Jungkook.

I raised my eyebrow as I looked at him. He stared at me but I looked at him in disgusts.

" Excuse me? Can you please get your hands off me? " I asked him calmly but he just tightenend his grip. I got annoyed by his actions. Bts and my members are now looking at us.

" I said get your hands off me. " I then again said calmly as I gritted my teeth in annoyance. He didn't moved instead he just looked at me. I sighed deeply. I slapped his arms and finally he removed it. I bowed to Bts and I went to the waiting room not uttering a word.

" What the freak is that Sana?! " Jihyo exclaimed as she came inside thw waiting room with the girls. I rolled my eyes to her.

" It's none of your business. " I said coldly which made them shocked on my response. They didn't dared to talk to me after that.

After the show we garnered a win again. We then went back to our dorm and I went straight to my room. I was laying down on my bed when a notification popped on my phone. I looked at it and it's an article. I opened the article and.....

Bts Jungkook and Twice Sana are secretly married to each other.

What the fuck?! I closed my phone when I heard a knock in my door.

" Come in!" I shouted. The door opened and saw Nayeon with her phone. She looked at me shocked.

" Is this true? " She asked me as she handed me her phone. I looked at her phone and it was the article. I scrolled at the article and I saw the picture og him holding my arm earlier. Fuck it!

" N-No. That's not true. " I answered her as she just nodded.

" Pdnim wants to talk to you in his office. " She said. I nodded and we both went outside my room. I saw the members looking at me shocked. " Girls. It's not true. Don't worry. " Nayeon told the members as they sighed in relief. I walked out the dorm and went to Pdnim's office.

I knocked on the door and waited for the response.

" Come in. " Pdnim said. I opened the door. I saw Pdnim sitting on his swivel chair and typing on his desktop.

" Good evening Pdnim. " I greeted and bowed. He nodded at me and I went to sat on a chair infront of his table.

" Is the guy you talked about with me Bts Jungkook? Is the article real? " He asked me. I looked down as I nodded.

" Don't worry Pdnim. We're going to divorce. I already have the papers, I'll sign it right away. " I said to him as he smiled.

" Does he made you happy when you were together? " Pdnim again asked.

" He does made me happy but the pain is enough to be the reason of our divorce. " I said. He then nodded.

" Okay then. You may go now.  You guys have day off tomorrow. " He said. I nodded and smiled at him. I then bowed before I left his office.

I decided to go and stroll at the park. I grabbed my mask and put it on as I put my hood on. I walked towards the park and sat on a bench. I grabbed my phone and opened the article. I scrolled through it until I stopped on the comment section.

' Twice Sana is such a flirt! '

' That bitch! '

' How dare is she to marry Jungkookie?!'

' How pathetic! She doesn't know Jungkook is only for ARMYs! '

' She's a slut! '

As I read all the hate and painful comments. Tears then streamed down my face. I shut my phone closed as I just cried myself in the park.

" How can a girl be alone in the park while crying? " A guy spoke up. I looked at him and he handed me a handkerchief. I took it and wiped my tears right away. He sat beside me and he's also wearing a mask and a cap. " What's wrong? You can tell me, I'm all ears. " He said calmly.

" An article just popped out and I got hate and painful comments. " I answered him.

" Sana? Twice Sana? " He asked me. I looked at him in shocked that he knew me. " Oh my god Sana! It's me! " He said as he took off his mask. I was shocked to see who the person infront of me is......... Park Jimin.

" Jimin?! " I said as I was so shocked. We hugged each other. " Oh my god! I didn't knew it was you! " I said as he just chuckled.

" When I stroll at a park, I always see you crying. " He said and I just laughed. " Just don't mind the comments. " He said as he patted my back and comforted me.

We talked for awhile and we exchanged numbers. We then parted our ways and I went back to the dorm. It was good to hang out with Jimin again.


~ to be continued ~

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