Chapter 15

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It's been months and it's already October. This month will be the clear of our dating ban. And the members are excited about it. I know they already have boyfriends but they're not talking about it so I just shut up.

I woke up by the sound of the birds chirping outside. I got up from my bed as I stretched my body. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine. Then went downstairs to cook breakfast.

I saw Jeonyeon unnie already cooking and cutting some vegetables. I walked towards the fridge as I looked for something to cook.

" What are you cooking unnie? " I asked her which made her startled.

" Yah! Why do you have to startle me like that?! " She shouted and I just chuckled. " I'm cooking Jjajangmyeon. Please prepare some sweets. " Jeongyeon unnie then continued.

" I'll bake cookies then. " I said as I get all the ingredients. I mixed the ingredients and stir it until it's a dough. I took out the plate of the oven and put the doughs in. And put it back in the oven to bake it.

As I waited, I then grabbed some oranges and made an orange juice. The oven then dings which indicates that it's already baked. I put a cooking gloves on and took out the cookies as I put it in the large plate.

I fixed the table and put the cookies and juice there. The members then came and sat on their chairs. I sat between Mina and Momo and we started to dig in the foods.

" I'm going out later. " Jihyo said which made us look at her.

" Me too. " Momo said as she continued to eat the foods.

" The foods are good. " Chaeyoung said and we just smiled.

" I'll be going out with Tzu later. " Mina said as she looked at Tzu.

" I'm going to meet my friend. " Nayeon unnie then said.

We didn't utter a word instead we just nodded at them and focused on eating. After we ate, the other members straightly went to their room. I sighed and grabbed all the dishes and put them in the sink. I put on the gloves and started to wash the dishes.

" Let me help you unnie. " Dahyun said as she came and help me do the dishes.

" It's so sad that they're always out. They even forgot that today is our group's anniversary. " Dahyun said as she washed the dishes. I didn't utter a word. " I know they have boyfriends already. I'm just waiting for them to confirm it. " She said. I looked at her with eyes widened. She chuckled at me. " I know you know it too unnie. " She said buy I just smiled and continued to what I'm doing.

As we finished washing the dishes. Me amd Dahyun then went to the living room and watched some movies with Jeonyeon unnie and Chaeyoung. We were watching when the members came downstairs.

We looked at them and they are fully dressed. Me, Jeongyeon unnie, Dahyun and Chaeyoung looked at ourselves and we are just in our pajamas. We looked back at them and we just smiled.

" We're going now. Take care. Bye. " They all said as they went out the dorm. We sighed in sadness.

" I thought we're going out to celebrate our anniversary. " Chaeyoung said. We then sighed and continued watching.

Time skip...
1 month later...

It's already November. Jihyo, Nayeon unnie, Momo, Mina and Tzuyu told JYP Pdnim about their relationships last month on the day after the clear of our dating ban.

Jyp Pdnim let them have their boyfriends but they have to be careful about rumours and dispatch. The girls agreed with it.

During holidays and day offs,  the girls went to live with their boyfriends. Living the 4 of us alone in the dorm.

It's our week off, and obviously the girls went to their boyfriends. Me and the 3 are here at the dorm cleaning. If the girls went to their boyfriends, I know that the 3 are sad even me but we don't talk about it.

It's been a year since me and Jungkook signed the papers of our divorce. And we're now divorced. Ties already cutted between us.

I was cleaning when my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone and it's a message from Jyp Pdnim.

Come to my office now.

The message says. I quickly went to my room and took a bath quickly and just put on my basics. I wore a black shirt, a denim shorts and put on my sandals and specs. I went downstairs and grabbed my phone.

" I have to go at Pdnim's office. I'll be back. " I said as I ran to his office. I knocked on the door.

" Come in. " He said from the other side. I went inside and greeted him and bowed. I sat on the chair infront of his table.

" Sana. I have to ask you a one and only question. " Pdnim said as I looked at him in confusion. " Do you still love Jungkook? " He asked. I eas shocked on what he said. I looked down and stared at the floor.

" Actually Pdnim. I don't really know. " I answered him without looking at him. I just stared at the floor but I got interrupted when someone knocked on the door.

" Come in. " Pdnim shouted. The door then opened revealing........ Jeon Jungkook. He then came in and sat infront of me.

" You called me sir? " Jungkook asked him. As Pdnim nodded.

" You know what. You two should fix your problems. Here each other's sides. Go and talk to each other. " Pdnim said. I nodded and I stood up. We bid our goodbyes to him and walked out from his office.

I then walked to the stairs and went up to the rooftop. Jungkook then just followed me without uttering a word. As soon as I arrived at the rooftop. I cold breeze of the air passed by me.

" Congratulations. You've made it to the top. " I said to break the silence as I walked at the rooftop. But I didn't heard any response. " Uhh? Jungkook? " I called him but he's looking down while his hands are in his jacket's pocket.

" Jeon Jungkook? Excuse me? " I called him once again but he still didn't talk. He looked at me straight in the eyes as he walked closer to me. I stepped backwards as he stepped forward. Until my back reached the wall. He moved closer to me and pressed his lips on mine.

He kissed me with full of love and passion. I kissed him back. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. We broke the kiss, as we catched our breaths. Jungkook hugged me but I didn't hug him back.

" I'm sorry for what I did back then Sana. " Jungkook said as he looked at me. He told me everything. He told me his reasons on why he did that. Hw told me his side and I felt guilty about it.

" It's okay now Kook. Let's forget about what happened back then. " I said to him and smiled.

" Please give me another chance. " Jungkook pleaded at he looked at me straight in the eyes.

I looked down as I think of it. I know I still love him. But I'm scared. Well, it's not bad to try again right? It's not bad to start again.

" It's okay if you don't want to give me another cha------.... " He didn't finished his words because I cutted him.

" I'll give you another chance Jungkook. " I said. His face lit up and he kissed me once again. He then hugged me as if he was the most happiest kid in the world.


~ to be continued ~

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