Chapter 32

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Jihyo's POV

I woke up by the knock on my door. I groaned as I got up and opened it. I raised an eyebrow as I saw Txuyu standing there with a smile.

" What is it? " I asked as I was still sleepy.

" Oh did I wake you up unnie? " She asked. I raised an eyebrow to her.

" Isn't it obvious Tzu? " I asked. She just smiled.

" I'm sorry unnie. I'll just go to the convenience store. Jeongyeon unnie said we'll go buy some ingredients for breakfast. " She said. I just nodded and closed my door.

I sighed as my sleep was disturbed. I just went to my bathroom and got ready. I just wore my basics, a white shirt and black shorts. I tied my hair into a messy bun. I then grabbed my phone and put on my slippers and walked downstairs.

I sat down on the couch as played with my phone. Jeongyeon and Tzuyu then came back with a paper bag in their hands.

Jeongyeon unnie then went straight to the kitchen so I followed. I helped her prepare our breakfast. After minutes of preparing, we served the foods in the table.

" Tzu. Call the others please. " I said. She then nodded and got up. She then went to wake the others up.

The girls then came down. We then sat on our seats and started to eat our breakfast. We have bacon and pancakes for today.

" Can we go visit the two? " Momo unnie asked.

" Let's ask Pdnim first unnie. Then we'll go. " I answered her. The girls then nodded as we continued to eat.

After some minutes, we finished the food and we went to the living room and sat on the couch. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung washed the dishes.

We watched variety shows and movies until it's already afternoon. Nayeon and Momo unnie went to the kitchen to make our lunch.

Me and the others were watching when the doorbell rang. I furrowed my eyebrows as we weren't expecting anyone today.

" Coming!! " I shouted as I stood up from the couch and went to the door to open it. I opened the door and I saw Pdnim.

" Pdnim, what are yo-------.. Sana!! Mina!! Girls!! " I shouted as I saw Mina and Sana behind Pdnim.

" Girls!! " I then again said. The girls then came to us. They were shocked and happy to see Sana and Mina standing infront of us.

" You're back!! " Momo said as she ran towards them and hugged them. We then followed Momo unnie and we hugged each other.

The girls then guided Mina and Sana unnie inside. As I stayed in the door because Pdnim wants to talk to me.

" Here. " Pdnim said as he handed me a bag. " Their medicines are there. The prescriptions are also inside the bag. " He said. I looked inside the bag and my eyes widened. There's a lot of medicines.

" Please take care of the two. Read the prescription note, so that you know what time they have to drink their medicines. And also there are sleeping pills for their seizures. Inhalers if they have panic attacks. Take care of them Jihyo. Call me if something happens. " Pdnim then said. I just nodded and he then walked out.

I walked inside and closed the door. I saw the girls talking to each other and coping some things. I went straight to the kitchen and put the bag on the countertop.

I took out the prescription note and read it. So they'll have to drink their medicines after meals. I then took out all the medicines as I went to grabbed the compartment box. I noticed that there are names in the medicines. Maybe they have different medications.

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