Chapter 13

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Being at the hospital for 6 days, I finally got discharged. It was so good to come back home with the members with me. They took care of me when I was at the hospital, specially Nayeon unnie and Jihyo.

We are now sitting here at the couch, watching some movies. Dahyun went to the kitchen to grabbed some popcorns. While Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung went out to buy drinks. I'm in the middle of Mina and Momo as usual.

" Here! " Dahyun came back with 3 bowls of popcorn. She gave me 1 bowl for the 3 of us; Me, Momo and Mina. Not awhile after, Jeongyeon unnie and Chaeyoung then came back with the drinks. 3 big bottles of coke.

We started to watched another movie since the first one already done. We talked, laughed, rants, and cried on the movies.

It was so fun. We laid a comforters on the floor and grabbed our pillows as we slept in the living room together.

The next day...

Jihyo's POV

I woke up early. I got up and stretched my body. I went to my room to do my morning routine and went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I cooked waffles, cuts fruits to make a fruit salad and made iced coffee.

" Good morning Jihyo ah. " Someone called I turned around to see Nayeon unnie. She prepared the table and went to wake the members up as I put the foods in the table. Nayeon unnie then came back and sat on her chair.

" I really want to talk to Yuna Jihyo ah. " Nayeon unnie said. As I just nodded. " Maybe we can meet her up today right? " She asked. I took my phone and called Sowon. I stood up and went to my room to do the call.

On the line :

: Hello?
: Hi Sowon unnie. It's me Jihyo.
: Oh hi Jihyo. Why did you call?
: Can I uhmm talk to Yuju?
: Ahh yes. Wait I'll pass it to her.
: Yuju! Hi!
: Oh hi.
: Can we uhm meet? At lunch?
: Yes sure. Why?
: We have something to talk about.
: Okay. Where?
: The restaurant near your company.
: Okay. See you.
: See you.

I then hunged up. I walked towards the dining area and saw the members already there. Nayeon unnie looked at me and I just nodded which made her smile.

" Where did you go Jihyo? " Jeonyeon unnie asked.

" To my room unnie. " I answered and we started to it.

After some minutes, we all finished the food. Dahyun and Chaeyoung then washed the dishes. As me and the other members went to the living room. Still in our pajamas.

" It's day off today. What are your plans? " I asked the members.

" Me and these two will go to a nail salon. You know mani, pedi. " Momo said as she pointed at Mina and Sana. " And maybe shopping and eat too. " She continued and they smiled in excitement.

" Can I come with you unnies? " Tzuyu asked Momo.

" Yes ofcourse! See told you Tzuyu will come with us! Bitches I won! You'll  treat me! " Momo said as we laughed to what she said.

" Me, Chaeyoung and Dahyun will go at the studio. Then at night we'll go at the amusement park. " Jeongyeon interrupted. We looked at her.

" Yah!! I'm coming at the amusement park!! We all go there together yahh!! " We all shouted at her and she chuckled.

" Okay okay. " She said as she tried to stopped us from whining. " How about you Jihyo? What are you going to do? " She asked me.

" Me and Nayeon unnie will meet up with a friend. " I said shortly and they just nodded.

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