Chapter 16

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Third Person's POV

Jungkook and Sana then told Jyp and Bang SiHyuk about their relationship. They didn't disagree about their relationship. But they did reminded them to be careful.

Sana and Jungkook then parted ways as they went back to their dorms. Sana was excited to tell the members about it. But the others aren't home yet so she has to keep it for awhile.

Days, Weeks, Months then have passed. Sana already told the members about her relationship. The members are happy for her but still reminded her to be careful.

Sana is now at Jungkook's apartment since it's their week off. Tzuyu and Mina are also in the same building but different apartments obviously.

She's now sitting on the bed as she is watching some movies on the tv. Jungkook went at the door to get ther food delivery.

Jungkook then came back with bags on his hands. He put the foods down and laid in Sana's lap. Sana then played Jungkook's hair as she focused on watching.

" Hey. Look at me. " Jungkook said in a pleading tone. And he pouted. Which made Sana giggled. Sana looked at Jungkook.

" Don't be such a baby Kook. " She said as she turned her head to the movie again. Jungkook then got up from her lap and sat beside her.

" Oh so you want me to be a man? A daddy? " Jungkook said in a sensual tone. Which made Sana shocked. Jungkook went closer to her but she stopped him from putting a pillow in his face. Jungkook then started to laugh out loud.

" Pervert. " Sana said which made Jungkook laugh more.

" You're so cute when you're scared. " Jungkook said which made her glare at him. He grabbed the foods. " Let's eat now. " Jungkook said as they started to eat their ordered foods.

End of POV 

It's been months since me and Jungkook started dating. I am now in his apartment since it's our week off.

His voice is really amazing as he sings a lot of song with me. He even taught me how to be stable while singing and dancing. And I think my voice will improve because of him.

I'm really lucky to have him. The guy who everyone wants. I have him right now in my arms sleeping.

His sleeping face is so peaceful and beautiful at the same time. He really is handsome. No wonder why every girl wants him.

" I love you. " I whispered as I caressed his hair as he was sleeping beside me.

" I love you too. " He replied back. I was shocked because I thought he was sleeping.

" Yah! I thought you're sleeping! " I said to him as he just chuckled but he didn't opened his eyes.

" I was. But I felt someone was staring at me. So I woke up. " He said still bot opening his eyes. I just rolled my eyes and laid down beside him.

He pulled me closer to him. I buried my face to his chest as he hugged me. We slept together. Catching up the sleep we need after the tiring schedules.

Time skip...

It's already 2019. We already released our new album Fancy You two days ago. Yesterday we went to the music bank to promote our comeback. But today we have to attend an award show, so we didn't promote today. We'll do the promoting the next days.

Me and the members are here at the company as our stylist and makeup artist are doing their work on us.

Our stylist gave me a white long dress and a high heels for me to wear for the award show. I went to change before it's my turn to do makeup.

After hours of getting ready, we finally all done. We then went to the van as we went to the venue.

" Are you okay with your heels Sana? " Nayeon unnie said as she saw how high it was.

" I'm okay with it unnie. Don't worry. " I answered as she smiled at me and nodded.

As we drove to the venue. It was boring so I decided to scroll down the social media.

" There's a lot of Tzukook and Taesana shippers. " Jeongyeon unnie said as she scrolled down her phone. I looked at her and so is Tzuyu.

" What?! " We both shouted. The other members then laughed of how awkward it was.

" This is awkward. Your friend's boyfriend is being ship with you. " Momo said as they laughed. I looked at Tzuyu and we just laughed too.

" Wait! There's also Dahmin! " Nayeon unnie then shouted which made Dahyun and Mina looked at her.

" It's so awkward! Bts being shipped with the wrong members! " Jihyo said and laughed. We just rolled our eyes to her and laughed right after.

" Yah! Don't make it obvious later. " Jihyo unnie reminded.

" Yah! It's not because your boyfriends didn't attend means you have the rights to tease us unnies. " Tzuyu said. Which made us laugh more.

After some minutes, we finally arrived. We got out from the van and we saw a lot of cameras as expected.

We walked towards the red carpet. I was about to get up in the stairs when I got stumbled. Luckily, Tzuyu and Jeonyeon unnie helped me and the staffs too. They guided me as I get up and we took pictures.

After that we then went inside the venue. With Jeongyeon unnie guiding me.


~ to be continued ~

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