Chapter 36

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It's been two and a half months since we started preparing our concert. Me and the members are now here at the cafeteria of our company, eating our lunch.

I am between Mina and Momo as usual. Our managers then sat on the table beside ours and we started to eat.

" Your concert has been sold out. It was sold out hours after it got released. " Our manager then said.

" Omg! Really oppa?! " Nayeon unnie asked in shocked and manager nim nodded.

" That was fast. By the way, where are we going to do the concert oppa? " Jihyo then asked.

" Dome. " He answered shortly. We got shocked because we're doing our concert in a dome.

We then eat our lunch as we talk about our concert. We ate a lot since we're really hungry and tired.

After we eat, we went back to the practice room to continue practicing. Days more before the concert. We're already done with the choreographies but we still have to make it perfect.

Me and the members are now here at the practice room waiting for our food to disgest. Since we don't want to have a sickness about it.

" How many days more until the concert? " Chaeyoung asked.

" 5 days, I think. " Jihyo replied.

" Woah! Time went by so fast huh. " Jeongyeon unnie then said.

After some minutes, we then stood up and continued to practice. We have to work more hard since our concert is in days already. We then started to do are work.


Third Person's POV

BTS are now at their practice room sitting and taking a rest. They've been practicing for their concert.

" 5 more days 'til the concert. " Rm said.

" I'm so tired and bored. Why do they have to confiscate our phones? " Jungkook complained.

" No more complains. Come on, get up let's continue. " Rm then said as he clapped his hands as if he was ordering.

" Hyung! Come on. Aren't you tired yet? " Jimin then asked.

" I'm tired but we have to do this, for our fans. " He then answered. The boys just rolled their eyes and stood up.

They then started to practice from the top. They were in the midst of the dance when the door open widely revealing their manager.

" What is it, hyung? " Jin asked.

" Two days before the concert, you'll go and practice at the dome. " He then said before he closed the door.

" Argh! This is so frustrating. " Taehyung said as he ruffled his hair with his hands.

" Come on, let's work hard! " Jhope then said.

They continued to practice and practice until they're finally done. They laid on the floor as they took a rest.

Time skip... Dome practice...

Jhope's POV

Me and the boys are now here at the venue to practice. The dome was large, larger than the dome we used to perform.

" Okay boys. Let's start from the top. " Manager nim then said as the staffs then went to their places.

We then started to practice until it ended. There are so many effects. Me and the boys then sat on the stage as we took a rest.

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