Chapter 7

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Jungkook's POV

It's been months since the article spreaded. But now finally it's gone.


It's already evening, and we just got home after promoting our new song. I'm now laying at my bed when I heard a notification sound on my phone. I got my phone and opened the notification. I was shocked on what I saw.

Bts Jungkook and Twice Sana are secretly married to each other.

That's the headline. I quickly got up from laying and scrolled through the article. I saw a photo when I held Sana's arm earlier.

" Fuck it! " I shouted in frustration. I think of who was the one who spreaded it. " Fuck you Yuna! " I said as I remembered she's the only one who knew my marriage.

I quickly got my phone and texted her.

: How dare you?! Meet me at the penthouse. Let's fucking talk.
: Okay. I'm on my way.

I groaned in frustration. I quickly got up and put on my hoodie and pants. I also put on my shoes and grabbed my phone, mask and keys. I then went downstairs. I saw my hyungs watching a movie innthe living room.

" Where are you going Kook? " Jin hyung asked.

" I'll just meet someone. " I said as I went out the dorm and drove off to the penthouse. I ran at the house and when I got in, I saw Yuna already sitting at the couch.

" What the fuck were you thinking Yuna?! " I shouted which made her startled.

" Don't you want your fans to know the truth? " She said as she came near me and touched my face. I grabbed her hand and tightened my grip.

" What the fuck do you want?!  You already made us separated! You already made our lives suffer! What else do you want?! " I shouted at her face as I tightened my grip more. She's now yelping in pain. Tears started to stream dowm on her face.

" Please Jungkook. Let me go. " She pleaded. I only smirked at her and tightenend it more. She shouts on pain.

" Why?! When me amd Sana pleaded you to stop what you're doing back then,  did you fucking listen?! No!! And I won't listen to you either! " I shouted at her and she started to cry. She pleaded a lot of times. " Leave our lives alone now! Or else I'll make your life suffer! " I said as I pushed her to the ground. She's now looking at me scared.

" If I can't have you! No one else would have you too! " She shouted at me. I walked closer to her and grabbed her jaw.

" Do it! Make my life suffer again! You don't know what I'm capable of now! " I shouted at her. " Stop on what you're planning to do!  Or else I'll make your life miserable!  Worse than what you did to me! " I shouted as I slapped her. She stood up and went out the house crying.

I smirked at myself and went back to the dorm. As I went inside, I saw my hyungs still watching.

" Where's Jimin hyung? " I asked them as they looked at me.

" He just went to stroll around. " Namjoon hyung said as I just nodded and went to sat beside Taehyung hyung and watched with them.

End of Flashback...

The day after that, the article has vanished in just a snap of fingers. Our lives became normal again.

I'm now sitting at the couch with my hyungs, waiting for Jimin hyung before we start our meeting.

After some minutes, he finally arrived. He looked at us and he sat beside Yoongi hyung.

" What took you so long Jimin hyung?  We waited for you. " I said. He looked at me expressionless.

" You could have just started without me. " He answered. As he rolled his eyes. It's been months since he became distant to us. He barely talk amd hang out with us. Jimin hyung is always out.

" Jimin! " Namjoon hyung called him. He looked at Namjoon hyung.

" What?! Just fucking start this meeting! " Jimin hyunh shouted. Which made Namjoon hyung pissed.

" I'm so fucking done with your nonsense Jimin! " He said. Jimin hyung looked at him with his raised eyebrow.

" I didn't told you to care! " He answered him. Jimin then got up and went to his room.

" Arrghh!! What the fuck is wrong with him?! " Taehyung said as he brushed his hair in frustration.

Jimin hyung changed since the article spreaded. He became distant to us. He barely talk. And he barely spend his time with us. He is always out. In our day offs, he always go out and just get home at night. He is always in his phone.

What the fuck is wrong with him?! I feel like he's hiding something from us! Argh! We'll find it out soon.

End of POV 


~ to be continued ~

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