Chapter 5

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It's been months since me and Jimin started to hang out with each other. We started dating a month ago. He helped get through the hate and bad comments. The article got vanished in just a snap of a fingers.

I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing. I lazily got my phone and answered it.

On the line:

: Hello?
: Hey babe. You just woke up?
: Yeah. Why did you call this early Jimin?
: Let's meet.
: Okay then. What time?
: Lunch time babe.
: Where?
: I'll just text you. Bye babe. See you.
: Bye.

He then hunged up. I looked at the time and it's just 5:30. Today is our day off so I drifted off to sleep again.

I woke up and got up to stretched my body. I looked at the time and it's already 10:00. I walked to the bathroom and got ready. I wore a white fitted shirt and a skirt. I put on my ankle boots. I put a bit of makeup amd grabbed my sling bag and my phone. I put on my padded coat because it's too cold outside. It's already winter. I grabbed my mask and went downstairs.

" Unnie ah! " Tzuyu shouted as soon as she saw me. " Good morning Unnie ah. " She said as she clung in me. Ahh! Tzuyu is being clingy today. She only does this if she need something.

" What is it Tzuyu ah? " I asked her.

" Where are you going? " She asked me.

" Just going to meet a friend. " I answered her. I still didn't told them about my relationship with Jimin. Jimin and I kept it a secret. " So what is it? " I asked her again. She just smiled at me.

" Can I borrow one of your tops? " She asked me as she made a pleading face.  I just chuckled at her.

" Just go and take what you want in my closet. I'll be going now. Bye! " I said as I walked out the dorm. I still heard her said " Thank you. " I just smiled and put on my mask.

I took a cab then went to the restaurant that Jimin said. I arrived at the restaurant, I walked inside and roamed around my eyes. I saw Jimim sitting on a corner. I smiled and walked towards him and sat infront of him.

" You're too busy. " I said as I grabbed his phone from his hands.

" Babe. Give me that. " He said. I smirked at him, I looked to what he's doing and he's playing a game. I closed his phone and gave it back to him. A waiter then came and give us the menu. I scanned through the menu.

" A salad, kimbap and a four season juice. " I told the waiter my order and he took a note in it.

" I'll have a steak and a apple juice. " Jimin said as the waiter nodded amd went off.

" How's your work? " I asked Jimin.

" It's tiring but it's fun. " He answered me. We talked about random things, we laughed and made fun of each other until our foods finally served. We ate our foods while we talked to each other.

We then walked around and spend the time together since next days will be busy again.

Tzuyu's POV

I'm so happy that Sana unnie gave me a permission to borrow her clothes. She really is a kind person. But this passed months, she seemed not to be herself. She always go out and meet someone. She doesn't even have the time to talk to us because she's always on her phone.

Sometimes, she don't even spend timw with us either. Which made me and the unnies sad and suspicious at the same time. I know Sana unnie is hiding something from us. Sana unnie became distant to us ever since the article popped up.

Even Momo and Mina unnie don't know what's going on with Sana unnie. We don't know what's going on. We wanted to ask her but we didn't dared to.

It's already 2:00 and me and the unnies will got out at 3:30. I walked to Sana unnie's room to get the clothes. I walked to her closet and find the top I'll borrow.

I was looking everywhere and I finally found it. I took it but my eyes got caught by a box on the very top of it. I got curious of what it is, so I got the box and opened it. It has files on it but a brown envelope got my curiosity.

I opened the brown envelope. I took the paper out and it's a............ Divorce Papers. I was so shocked. My lips parted as I was shocked. I got frozen on my spot.

" Tzu! I've been looking for you!  Why are you here? " A voice shouted. I looked at it and it was Nayeon unnie. She came to me as I hid the papers. " What are you hiding? Let me see. " Nayeon unnie said as she grabbed the paper from my hand.

She froze as she looked at paper. Her lips parted and she can't utter a word. I quickly went to the door and locked it so no one would come in.

" I-It's a divorce paper. " Nayeon said as she was shocked of what she saw. " Sana and Bts J-Jungkook are getting d-divorce? " She then continued.

" W-Which means the a-article months ago is true. W-Why would Sana hid this from us? " She said again still shocked. I quickly went to the bathroom and changed my clothes. I then went back to Sana unnie's closet.

" Girls! Let's go! What are you taking you so long?! " Jihyo unnie shouted. Nayeon unnie put the paper back to the envelope as I put it back to the box and put the box on it's position earlier. I already changed my outfit and I took a bath earlier.

" Tzu! " Nayeon unnie grabbed my wrist before we went out the room. " Don't talk to anyone about what we saw. Act normal like you didn't saw anything. " Nayeon said as I nodded. We went out the room as I went to grabbed my bag and my phone from my room and went downstairs.

" What took you two so long? " Jeongyeon unnie asked us.

" I took a lot of time finding this top of Sana unnie. So Nayeon unnie came to help me. " I said as they just nodded. I sighed in relief as they didn't asked more. We then went out the dorm and drove to the mall.

End of POV


~ to be continued ~

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