Chapter 14

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Me, Momo, Mina and Tzuyu then went to the amusement park after getting mani, pedi and shopping. We got a lot of stuffs that we need. I got scented candles, clothes and shoes.

We saw the members already in the entrance, so we went their with paper bags in our hands.

" How can we enjoy if you guys have paper bags? " Dahyun asked us looking at the paper bags we have.

" There's a baggage counter there. " Nayeon unnie said as she pointed at the counter. We then went inside and put our paper bags in the counter and we enter the park.

" Let's go at the roller coaster first! " Jeongyeon unnie said as we widened our eyes. We couldn't disagree because she already pulled us and paid for the ride. I sat beside Jihyo  and the ride then started.

Screams, curses and laughs are everywhere. The ride was so terrifying and fun at the same time. We rode a lot of rides and even played games. After that, we then went to a restaurant to eat dinner.

" Can we have jokbal for tonight? " Momo asked and Jihyo nodded. They ordered our foods and we ate the foods while chitchatting. We then went home and take some rest.

Time skip...
1 year later...

It's already 2018 and our group is doing well and we then got a lot of fans. We did concerts and attended award shows and even music banks to promote our songs.

" Sana unnie!! Sana unnie wake up!! " Someone shouted. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I sat on my bed and stretched my body.

" What's the sudden Dahyun? " I asked her as she was waking me up.

" Don't you remember it? We have to go at the music bank. " She said. I looked at my calendar and right we have to go at the music bank to promte our new song.

I quickly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom and get ready. I wore my basics. White shirt, ripped jeans and a white sneakers. I brushed my hair and put a lip tint on my lips. I grabbed my things and went downstairs. I saw the members in the dining room waiting for me. I sat between Momo and Mina.

" What took you so long Sana ssi? " Nayeon unnie asked.

" I woke up late. Thanks to Dahyun who came and woke me up. " I answered as she nodded. We started to eat our breakfast. Then we went to the van and drove off to music bank.

We arrived, as we went straight to our waiting room. They gave us our clothes to wear, so we went to change. They then started to put makeups on us and did our hairs. As soon as we were all done. The staff then came.

" It's your turn girls. Fighting! " She said. We chuckled and went to the stage for our performance.

After the performance, we went back to the waiting and took a rest.

" I'm hungry. " We all said in unison. We laughed.

" What do you want to eat? " Manager nim then asked us which made our face lit up.

" Jokbal! " Momo said.

" Ramen for me manager nim! " Dahyun and Chaeyoung said.

" Kimbap manager nim! " Nayeon and Tzuyu said.

" How about you guys? " Manager nim then asked.

" Tteokbokki manager nim! " Me, Mina andJeongyeon unnie said in unison. We 3 looked at each other and laughed.

" A salad for me manager nim. " Jihyo then said as our manager nodded. He then called and ordered the foods. Food delivery.

We sat on the couch and rest. I am laying in Jihyo's lap and Mina is laying on mine. We are forming a circle as we laid in each other's lap.

" Dating ban will be cleared in October. " Jihyo suddenly said. We looked at her in confusion.

" Why are you telling us that? You want to have a boyfriend? " Nayeon unnie asked her as she made a playful smile.

" Yah! I was just informing you! But who knows right? " She said as she made her eyebrows up and down.

" Nah. I don't have time for having a boyfriend. And I don't want one anymore. " I said. They then looked at me.

" Really? Even if it's Mark oppa? " Tzuyu asked which made me choked on my own saliva. I looked at them and they are playfully smiling at me.

" Yah! Mark oppa is my cousin! " I answered them. They were shocked about what I said and gave me an embarrassed smile.

" Let's play truth or truth! " Nayeon unnie said as she went to grabbed a bottle." One question, one answer! " She continued as she sat on her place. Since we all don't want to be a killjoy. We then fixed our positions as Nayeon unnie rolled the bottle. The bottle then stopped on Tzuyu.

" Who do you like right now? " Nayeon unnie asked. We then paid our attention to her. Tzuyu looked at us.

" Bts...... Taehyung. " She answered. We gasped as we were shocked and chuckled at the same time. Tzuyu then spinned the bottle. And it landed at Jihyo.

" Jihyo unnie. Who do you want to be your boyfriend? " Tzuyu asked Jihyo.

" Wanna one... Kang Daniel. " She answered. We looked at her and she was blushing.

" Ahhh!! Jihyo is blushing!! " We said as we teased her. Jihyo then spinned the bottle and it stopped at Mina.

" Do you still have a feelings for Bts Jimin? " Jihyo asked Mina. Mina looked at me and I just smiled at her.

" I still have it. " Mina then said as they teased her. Mina then spinned the bottle and it stopped on me.

" Sana. If Bts Jungkook will pursue you again, will you accept him to your life again? " Mina asked. I looked around and they are all now looking at me.

" I don't know. Let's see what's destined. " I answered them as they just nodded and smiled. We played until our foods came. We ate our foods happily. And went back to our dorm.

We went straight to our room to change to our pajamas. I took a warm long bath and wore my purple pajamas. I brushed my hair and I put on my bed slippers. I then grabbed my phone and went downstairs.

I sat on the couch between Tzuyu and Jihyo. It's already 7:00.

" What should we eat for dinner? " Jihyo asked us.

" Pizza! "

" Kimchi fried rice! "

" Barbeque! "

We shouted. Jihyo noddes as she called for a food delivery. We went to our rooms to get our pillows and somw comforters because we decided to sleep in the living room again.

We arranged and fixed our comforters. When the door bell rings. Me and Jihyo then went to the door to take the foods. Jihyo paid the delivery man and we went back to the living room with our foods.

" Don't you dare eat yet! We still don't have drinks! " Jihyo said. Nayeon and Jeongyeon unnie then went at the kitchen to get thw drinks in the refrigerator.

We then started to eat as we watched some movies. We talked, laughed, cried at the movies. We also talked about the dating ban. Until we then fell asleep.


~ to be continued ~

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