part 1

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Emily POV:

I wake up to the annoying sound of my stupid alarm. Ugh, it's monday, another day in hell. I slowly got up and went downstairs. I prepared breakfast and my father came down. He yelled at me and hit me. My father abuses me if you were wondering. Anyways, I went back upstairs after he had finished yelling. I took a quick shower and got prepared.

 I took a quick shower and got prepared

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Outfit ^

Makeup ^

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Makeup ^

My hair was down, falling on my shoulders. I slowly and quietly went out of the window to afraid to meet my father again. I walk, well actually I more or less limped to the bus stop. I saw Dylan, Racheal and Payton coming towards me. I knew what was coming so I mentally prepared myself.

Pa: "well, well, well, who do we have here?"

Dy: "isn't it poor little Emily"

Ra: "yeah, poor, poor little Emily"

Pa: "I've known you for about two years now Emily, and I think I never saw you without a hoodie on, why is that?"

Ra: "now that you say it, I noticed that too, so why, Emily?"

Em: "none of your buisness"

Dy: "oh so you're rebelling?"

Em: "no, I'm just fed up"

Pa: "just tell us why and we will leave you alone today"

Em: "you really wanna know, I'm just chili, I get cold very easily"

Ra: "don't lie to us you whore"

Em: "if someone here is a whore, it's you" I mumbled under my breath

Ra: "what did you just say?"

Em: "nothing"

Dy: "it's not good to lie"

Em: "just leave me alone."

Pa: "not until you tell us the truth."

Em: "you wanna know the truth, it's to cover up all my bruises."

Dy: "how sad, though, I don't think you have enough"

And with that he punched me in the stomach. It burned cause that's where my dad just hit me. I fell to the ground.

Ra: "you can't even take a little punch"

Pa: "yeah, it's just a punch."

Then the bus arrived, they all climbed in. I slowly got up and came in too. I sat at my usual spot, in the middle of the bus. I felt a paper ball hit me. I opened it and read:

Hi bitch,
Just wanted to tell you you sould kill yourself cause nobody likes you. Also sorry to burst your bubble but you are such a weak and ugly hoe. Just leave this world, it would make all of us happier.
With all our hate.
Yk who

I scrunched it up and muttered.

Em: "I already tried don't worry."

The bus stopped in front of the school and I rushed to my locker. I got all of my books and ran to class. I walked in the classroom and it was burning hot in there. I didn't take my hoodie off though. The class started and about halfway through, Payton entered the class sweating and panting. Forgot to say, Payton is also the biggest fuckboy of the school. The teacher send him to the office and he left once again. I was kinda relieved. I hate having classes with any of my bullies. The bell rang and I went to next hour.

~~~~ time skip - lunch ~~~~

I walked into the cafeteria and all eyes were on me, I don't know why though. I turned around and there was Payton, standing behind me. Shit.

Em: "what do you want. You're not gonna hit me in front of the whole school."

Pa: "no, indead not."

He grabbed my wrist. I was screaming inside. It burned so much. As you might have guessed, I cut. He took me to the lockers and there were Dylan and Racheal waiting for us. Great.

Em: "can you please let go off me."

He let go and I quickly put my hand behind my back cause I knew it had made blood stains on my hoodie.

Payton POV: (weren't expecting that one)

I took Emily's wrist and dragged her to the lockers where Dylan and Racheal were waiting for us. I felt my hand get wet somehow.

Em: "can you please let go off me."

She asked. I let her wrist go. She quickly put her arm behind her back. Weird. I looked at my hand discretely and it was pretty much full of blood. How? Wait, does she cut? Why? Do we hurt her that much? My mind started wondering off but I was brought back to reality when Racheal screamed at Emily.


At first, I didn't know what she was talking about but then I remembered. She asked her for her homework and money. God, now that I think of it we kinda are really such bad people. I don't even know why we bully her. I then saw Racheal slapping her. She just ran off to the bathroom. I don't know why but I kinda felt bad for her.

Dylan POV: (weren't expecting huh)

To be honest I felt kinda bad for Emily, she never did anything to us. We just started bullying her. I'll talk to Payton and Racheal about it tomorrow.

Dy: "come lets just go."

Pa: "uh, yeah"

Ra: "what's with Payt, you aren't yoirself anymore."

Pa: "sorry I was just thinking."

Dy: "about what?"

Pa: "nothing important, lets just go back and eat"

Ra: "ok"

Emily POV:

I ran to the bathroom, I didn't even cry,I just felt bad. I got my blade out and cut my arm 3 times. Blood was all over, I quickly rinsed the blood off and went back to the cafeteria. I ate quickly and went to my next class.

~~~~ time skip - end of day ~~~~

It started raining, how great. I went to the bus stop in front of the school. Luckily, my bullies weren't there. I climbed in the bus as soon as it arrived. I got home and my father wasn't back yet. I prepared diner, yes this early so I wouldn't have to see my father. I ran upstairs and closed my door. I sat on the bed and watched Netflix. I heard the front door open and heard some people talking. Perfect, another whore. I very soon heard moaning. Simply amazing. I tried falling asleep and after about an hour, I finally managed.

Word count: 1069

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