part 16

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Payton POV:

I woke up and the first thing that I thought of was that kiss with Emily. It felt like heaven. I wonder if she was just caught up in the moment or if she likes me. I need to tell her how I feel. I really like her and I want her to know that. I got out of bed and walked downstairs. Anthony was the only one awake.

An: "yo"

Pa: "hey"

An: "soo, Avani told me you and Emily kissed"

Pa: "yeah but I don't know if she likes me or if it was just in the moment"

An: "well, do you like her?"

Pa: "yeah, I do"

An: "well, I'm fine with it, as her brother, I give you the green light. But if you hurt her, you are litterally dead."

Pa: "I know, I won't"

An: "good"

Emily POV:

I woke up and went downstairs. Almost everyone was already up. We sat and talked waiting for the others. When everyone was awake, we went to Ihop to eat breakfast. As usual I didn't want to eat but was forced to by the others. After Ihop, we went back to sway. I got a phone call from an unknown number. I still answered the phone.

?: "hello, is this Emily Hendray?"

Em: "it is indead, may I know who you are?"

?: "I am Trent, Anthony's manager along with all the boys and girls you are friends with."

Em: "oh, yes, I heard about you, so, why are you calling me?"

Tr (trent): "well, I was wondering if you wanted to join the lights out tour as 1. Anthony's sister. 2. An influencer because I don't know if you have noticed but you have a growing platform."


Tr: "well, that's great. I couldn't find your parents numbers though."

Em: "oh, uhmm, yeah. My parents aren't availavle but you can call Joanne, Payton's mother, she is like my tutor"

Tr: "ok  great, I'll give her a call to arrange everything."

Em: "thank you so much"

Tr: "no problem, I have to go but we'll keep in touch for all the informations and everything."

Em: "of course, thank you again. I can't wait. Goodbye"

Tr: "goodbye"

I hung up and squealed. Everyones eyes shot at me.

Av: "why are you squealing?"

Br: "also, who was that?"

Em: "ok, soooo, that was trent and.... he asked me to join the lights out tour"


Tb: "fuckin hell, my ears"

Tg: "sorry"

Em: "when is it exactly?"

An: "in aboit 2 months or sum"

Pa: "we're going back to Moorseville in about a month I think."

Em: "yep, that's right."

For the rest of the day, we just chilled, talked, watched movies....

~~~~ time skip - 1 month later ~~~~

Today was the day we were going back to Moorseville with Payton and Dylan. I was gonna miss everyone but we're gonna see them in about a month so that's okay. We were now in the car on our way to the airport. I was still thinking about our kiss that night, in the pool. I know it was like a month ago but it was so magical. Unfortunatly, nothing more happened even though me and Payton have been kinda flirting a bit. Anyways, we just arrived at the airport and went through all the stuff like baggage claim and that kind of thing. We stopped at starbucks just before going to our gate though. Our plane was finally called and we got our seats and everything. Payton, Dylan and I were sitting next to each other. I was by the window, Payton in the middle and Dylan was by the alley. I decided to go live once we were in the sky and we were aloud to use our phones and stuff. (I don't remember if you're aloud to use your phone in planes cause last time I was like 6 but just imagine you can if you can't). I started the live and directly got a lot of viewers.

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