part 28

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Emily POV:

I took my mother's hand and she led me to a dark hallway, we croosed that hallway and I saw a horrible scene, my body, inactif, still. We continued walking and passed every single one of my friends, all balling their eyes out. We then arrived at Payton. He was on his bed, crying more than anyone, looking at pictures of us... I felt so guilty leaving all of them. I felt tears coming.

E/M: "you are loved, your friends need you, it's not too late to go back. So, what is your answer, do you want to go back?"


Avani POV:

I was at sway. The atmosphere was completely different, which is normal, Em isn-isn't here. My phone started ringing. It was an unknown caller, I answered.

? : " is this Avani Gregg? "

Av: "it is indeed, how may I help you?"

? : "I am Emily's doctor, she uhmm, she woke up."

Av: "wait, seriously, if this is some kind of joke, I swear, it isn't funny"

Doc: "no, no, I am very serious, I don't know what happened but she suddenly woke up"

Av: "can I come see her?"

Doc: "yes, you can come when you want, even now, though, don't be to many to come, we don't want to startle her too much"

Av: "I totally understand. ok, I'm in my way, thank you so much, goodbye"

Doc: "goodbye"

I hung up. I was crying by now. I took my car keys and left. I drove to the hospital. Once arrived I literally ran to the front desk.

Av: "hi, I'm here to see Emily Hannaton"

Desk lady: "room 345"

Av: "ok, thank you"

I went to room 345 and knocked on the door, I slowly opened it. I saw Emily awake. A few hot tears rolled down my face. Happy tears. I ran up to her and hugged her.

Av: "don't ever, EVER do you hear me, do that again."

Em: "I know, I'm sorry, I didn't think, i just got raped by Derek and saw Bianca posted about her and Payton being official and just couldn't take it anymore."

The doctor came in.

Em: "when will I be able to leave?"

Doc: "tomorrow morning if you want."

Av: "I'll spend the night here with you and then we can leave tomorrow, I brought you some clean clothes."

Em: "thank you bubs"

Av: "let me call Billie and Ariana to tell them you woke up. We'll surprise the others tomorrow, if that's fine with you of course"

Em: "sounds like a good plan to me."

I called Billie and Ariana and they both responded quickly.

Av: "hey, I have great news, like the best news you can wish for, well maybe I should just show you girls"

I turned the camera so Em was in the frame. Both Billie and Ariana screamed.

Bi: "wait, what, how?"

Em: "I'm back bitches"

Ar: "babyyy, I am so fucking glad. How are you feeling? When can we see you?"

Em: "I'm feeling great, and I leave the hospital tomorrow and Imma go surprise everyone so don't tell anyone I woke up ok?"

Bi+Ar: "ok, well we'll see you tomorrow in that case"

Em: "bye"

They hung up and we talked a little before going to sleep. Avani told me what happened after I... You know... Anyways, she told me about what Bianca and Rachel did and I wasn't surprised. I decided to go back to North Carolina soon to see Payton again. Anyways, we fell asleep quickly.

~~~~ the next morning ~~~~

Emily POV:

I woke up the next morning at around 9am. Avani was already up, on her phone, scrolling through insta.

Av: "morning Em, how did you sleep?"

Em: "morning, good how bout you?"

Av: "good two"

She got up and went to her bag. She handed me some clean clothes.

Av: "here"

Em: "thanks"

Em: "thanks"

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Outfit ^

I got changed and then we went to the front desk to sign papers. Once the papers where signed, we left. Avani drove us to Starbucks where we were gonna meet Bills and Ari. Once arrived, we entered the shop and sat down. We saw Bills and Ari enter the Starbucks soon after. I ran up to them and literally jumped on them. We fell to the ground. We then ordered our drinks and all three catched me up on what I missed. When we finished our drinks, we headed to sway. We arrived to sway.

Av: "ok, I'll go in first, then you wait a little then follow me. Ok?"

Em: "ok"

Avani went in. I waited about 10 minutes and then followed her. I yelled at the top of my lungs for everyone to here me:


I heared a lot of footsteps run down the stairs. I literally just blinked and when I reopened my eyes, everyone was in front of me, apart from Payton... They all pulled me in a tight hug.

Em: "you guys are squishing me"

They let go.

An: "ho-how is this possible"

Em: "I don't know, you tell me... Magic I guess"

We chatted for a while then watched a film together. Then I booked a flight to go back to North Carolina. We then went to sleep.

A/n: I'm sooo sorry for not updating in soo long. I will try not to do it again. Anyways, this is a pretty short chapter sorry but the next one should be coming soon enough. Thanks for reading.

Word count: 922 words

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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