part 20

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Emily POV:

My alarm rang and I woke up. I looked at my phone and realised today was the day. A few tears left my eyes but I brushed them off and made sure it wasn't visible before I woke Payton up. I got changed into black clothes as a sign of respect for my mother, like each year.

 I got changed into black clothes as a sign of respect for my mother, like each year

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The outfit ^

I know, not very glamour but today wasn't a good day. Payton got dressed too. I did dark makeup too.

 I did dark makeup too

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Makeup ^

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Makeup ^

I put on some sneekers and aited for Payton. He looked at me worried. I never usually dress like this. He didn't ask though and I was kinda relieved. We went to the meet and great and I didn't smile on the way there. I was often on the verge of tears as I remembered all the memories I have of my mom. People sensed I was in a bad mood and tried not getting me in a worst one. We arrived at the meet and great and I forced myself to smile. As I said, I am a good actress so it actually looked like I was happy apart from my clothes and makeup. A few fans started coming in. I hugged them and took pictures and did tiktoks with them, always with a fake smile that looked so real. We were avout halfway through the meat and great when it happened again. I had a flashback. It was one of my mom dying. I started crying and stopped breathing. I ended up blacking out after about seeing my mom die 4 times.

Payton POV:

Today, Emily didn't act like herself. She looked depressed but I didn't know what to do. We went to the meet and great and she started smiling. I liked seeing her smile but I didn't know if it was a fake or real one. About halfway through the meet and great. I turned to look at Emily and she was crying looking straight forwards. My smile instantly dropped. I went over to her and she wasn't breathing.

Pa: "call an ambulance"

I heard someone calling the ambulance like I asked but didn't pay attention to who it was. I gave Emily CPR. The ambulance arrived and I went to the hospital with her. The others stayed cause we all know she's gonna be fine, she just needs help breathing. We arrived at the hospital and they asked me questions on what happened. I  explained to them how she has flashbacks and she stopped breathing. They put the breathing mask thingy on her.

Nessa POV:

Emily was having another one. Payton gave her CPR while Anthony called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived quickly and took Emily away. Everyone looked shocked and scared. Payton went with Emily to the hospital while we stayed at the meet and great. None of us liked the idea of not being by her side but we all knew she was gonna be alright.

Av: "everythings okay, we can go back to the meet and great"

Tr: "what?! Emily just went in an ambulance."

Ne: "Trent, it's okay, it already happened. She's gonna be fine. She just needs some time to rest and help breathing."

We continued the meet and great but with less enthousiasme of course. It finally ended and we didn't have a show today so we all went to the hospital. When we arrived, Emily was already awake.

Em: "hey guys"

Ev: "hey, you okay?"

Em: "yeah, just not the best day"

Pa: "why were you so down today?"

Em: "it's, uhmm, today's my mom's death anniversary you could say"

Av: "I'm so sorry"

Pa: "oh, I'm so so sorry"

Em: "it's okay I guess, I just usually dress all in dark colors kinda as a sign of respect to my mom."

Ev: "we totally understand"

Emily POV:

The doctors told me I could leave today so I got changed in the same clothes. We left and went back to the hotel.

Em: "if it's fine for y'all, I think I'm just gonna go to sleep"

Cl: "of course"

Pa: "I'll come in a minute babe, I just have to call my, uhmm, mom"

He left the room like everyone else. I didn't really believe him when he said he had to call his mom but I was too tired to think. I was cold so I quickly put on some pjs and went under the covers. I was still cold cause Payton wasn't by my side so I cuddled a pillow. I heard the door open and close after about 15 minutes.

Pa: "aww, baby, don't have to cuddle that pillow"

Em: "I was cold"

Pa: "I'm sorry. I'll come warm you up."

He lay down next to me and we cuddled. I fell asleep quickly not wanting to wake up any time soon.

Word count: 812

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