part 9

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Payton POV:

We all went to the cars. I was in a 6 place car with Jaden, Anthony and Avani. Mads and Emily were a little behind. After a few minutes, Mads sat in the car.

Ma: "Emily forgot something, she said she won't be long."

I wonder what she forgot.

An: "okay."

It's been a few minutes and Emily still isn't back.

Av: "I'm starting to worry guys, were is she."

Pa: "I don't know, I'll go check on her."

Ja: "ok"

I got out of the car and in the house. I went up to her room. She was sitting on the floor, crying, looking forwards like she was in a trans. I went up to her and I realised she wasn't breathing. Shit shit shit. I tried shaking her. Nothing. I knew what to do cause I took aid classes in school. First I checked if her airway was blocked. It was. I then quickly called an ambulance.

Phone call

H (hospital): "hello, what is your urgence?"

Pa: "my friend is not breathing."

H: "we are sending someone right away, where are you?"

Pa: "*sway house adress*"

H: "someone is on their way, do you know cpr sir?"

Pa: "yes"

H: "try CPR, anything can help."

Pa: "thank you, goodbye."

I then hung up. I was kinda in a hurry. I kneeled beside Emily and placed the heel of my hand on the center of her chest. I then put my other hand ontop and interwind my fingers. I pumped her chest about 30 times. I then opened her airway. I pinched her nose with one hand and supported her chin with the other. I then breathed in and placed my lips on her and breathed out. I did that a few times. Then the ambulance arrived.

Avani POV:

Emily and Payton still haven't come back. Maybe they are kissing. I smiled at the idea. I would love for Payton and Emily to date. But it wouldn't take that long and I don't think they would just let us hanging. I started to worry a bit. What if something happened. I then heard an ambulance siren coming our way. It stopped right in front of the house and people went in with a gurney (those bed with wheels). I started panicking and worrying even more. I ran out the car and went to Emily's room. I saw the ambulance guys put her on the gurney and Payton crying. I went up to Payton.

Av: "What happened?"

Pa: "I came in and, and, she was crying and looking forwards like she was in a trans. I then went up to her and she wasn't breathing. I tried shaking her but she didn't move. It was like she was, de-dead. I called an ambulance and gave her cpr. I am so scared."

I was now crying too. I didn't meet her long ago but I already love her (not homosexually). She is my wife. I know she went through some shit but I don't know how much. It's unfair.

Av: "ev-everything is gonna be ok-okay, it has, has to"

We followed the ambulance guys and went back outside. Everyone had a worried look on their face. I ran to Ant and hugged him tight. I cried on his should.

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