part 15

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Emily POV:

I woke up feeling dizzy. That's not a good sign. I stumbled down the stairs. I went to the kitchen and Nessa was already there.

Ne: "are you okay bb?"

Em: "yeah, just dizzy"

Ne: "here drink some water"

She said, giving me a glass of water. I drank it but didn't feel better.

Em: "thanks"

Ne: "does it help?"

Em: "not really to be honest but I'm fine."

Ne: "okay. Tell me if you need anything."

Em: "ok"

I started cooking breakfast but was too weak so the pan I was holding fell to the floor. It made a huge noise. I heard footsteps runing downstairs. Quickly, everyone was in the kitchen.

Ev: "what happened?"

Em: "I am so sorry, the pan slipped out of my hand."

I started crying a little. I don't know why but I was really on edge. It was not my period though. All the girls ran to me and hugged me.

Av: "it's ok, you didn't do anything wrong. It happens"

I was shaking and that's when it hit me. I knew what was gonna happen. I was feeling dizzy, weak and sentimental. I always feel like that when I am going to faint in the few following hours.

Ne: "you should lie down."

Em: "you're probably right."

I started walking towards the steps but I started feeling even more dizzy. I turned around.

Em: "don't worry, if I fain-"

I was cut off by everything going black.

Payton POV:

I heard a loud noise that woke me up. I rushed downstairs and to the kitchen where everyone already was at. Emily looked at us very pale.

Em: "I am so sorry, the pan slipped out of my hand."

She started crying. The girls hugged her.

Av: "it's okay, you didn't do anything wrong. It happens"

Emily was shaking, a lot.

Ne: "you should lie down"

Em: "you're probably right."

She started walking towards the stairs but stopped before arriving. She turned around and said:

Em: "don't worry, if I fain-"

She didn't have time to finish her sentence as her body started falling down. I ran to her and stopped her from touching the ground just in time. She had fainted.

Pa: "someone bring me a hot towel"

Mads went to get what I asked while I slowly set Emily on the couch. Mads came back with the towel and I put it on Emily's forehead. After a few minutes, her eyes slowly opened.

Emily POV:

I looked around and saw familiar faces. My friends faces. They were all looking worried. I sat up slowly and looked at them smiling.

Em: "sorry bout that, I just occasionally faint."

Ad: "occasionally?"

Em: "yeah, a few times per month"

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