part 19

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Emily POV:

~~~~ Time skip - 1 month ~~~~

Today, we were leaving north Carolina to go on tour. Me and Payton were together and we were happy. For our first, second and third week anniversary, we went on a cute little date. We never actually did IT cause he wanted my first willing time to be special. I was fine with it to be honest. Anyways, my birthday is soon but I prefered not thinking about it cause it's also the day after my mom died. I hate birthdays so I don't plan on telling anyone when it is. Anywhore, at the moment we are at the airport, waiting at our gate for our plane to arrive. Our plane finally got called and we foubd our seats. We sat down and I slept the whole plan ride. Payton woke me up and we got out of the plane. We took an Uber to our hotel and got our rooms. I was sharing one with Payton. All the couples were sharing a room. Dylan found himself a girlfriend called Diana, she is super pretty and nice. Anywhore, I unpacked quickly and went to the lobby to wait for Avani that shouldn't be coming soon. After about 10 minutes of waiting, she arrived. We litterally jumped on each other and hugged falling to the floor. We went to her room so she could unpack. After a while of unpacking, Nessa texted us she was on her here. We ran to the lobby, when I say run, I mean sprinted to the lobby and jumped on her. We laughed so much I thought I was gonna explode. Nessa unpacked her things in her room and the same thing repeated itself with everyone. Once everyone was here, we decided to go to Chick-Fil-A. I wasn't planning on eating because I ate way to much in the last few months. We artived and I didn't order anything.

Pa: "baby, you are eating."

Em: "I'm actually not hungry"

I said shrugging.

Pa: "fine"

I didn't eat and we left once they were all done. We went back to the hotel and went to sleep cause we were all exhausted. I fell asleep quickly cuddling with Payton.

~~~ the next morning ~~~

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Today we had a meet and great so we had to get up early. I woke Payton up and we got prepared.

 I woke Payton up and we got prepared

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Outfit ^

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Outfit ^

We got in the tour bus thingy and drove to the meet and great. So amny people were there. There were basiclly only girls. They were so much prettier I got scared Payton would leave me for one of them. I looked down, sad. Payton noticed and stopped dead in his tracks. He lifted my chin up so that I looked at him. I had glossy eyes.

Pa: "what's the matter babe?"

Em: "they are all so much prettier and better then me, what if you fall in love with one of them and leave me."

A tear rolled down my cheak.

Pa: "you are the most beautiful person on the planet, I would never leave you. You're the one for me, I can feel it"

He kissed me and I heard some aww and boo coming fom behind. I realised the fans saw us. We quickly went inside the building. Trent gave us our positions. I was between Payton and Anthony with Avani on the other side of Anthony. The security let a few fans come in and they all hugged everyone and took pictures. The meet and great lasted about 2 hours maybe and I loved meeting my fans. There was a little show thingy and after that, dinner dates. We were now on our way back to the hotel. It was 5pm. We all went in mine and Payton's room to hangout. We ended up playing truth or dare, I know, not original.

Br: "Emily, truth or dare?"

Em: "I'm tired so truth"

Br: "have you and Payton ever done the nasty?"

An: "I don't think I wanna know this"

Em: "no, we haven't"

Ja: "seriously?"

Pa: "yes seriously, she never did IT, willingly so I don't want to rush into anything. Plus, she went through many things so I don't want to put any pressure on her."

Ne: "that's so cute"

Av: "awww"

An: "thank god"

Em: "I know you already did stuff with other girls so don't thank god me"

We all laughed. We plaued a few more rounds until we decided to go to bed. It was getting late and we were all tired. In two days it's my birthday which means, tomorrow is.... is my mom's death anniversary. I got glossy eyes at the thought but Payton couldn't see cause it was dark.

Word count: 798

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