01- "Bella, Manners!"

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Bella's POV

"Stop!" I groaned, walking out of Starbucks with my coffee latte, as my little brother Mason poked my side.

But still he continued poking me.

"What?!" I yelled, feeling very frustrated and angry. Then he grabbed my drink and started running as far away as possible.

Oh no.. No one takes my food and gets away with it..

I started running as fast as I could, trying to catch up with him, unfortunately he is a better runner than me, I have no desire for sport so this was like a suicide mission.

He ran faster and faster, looking behind him once every thirty seconds to laugh at me. He knew I wasn't really a good runner so this is rather funny to him.

I stopped to take a breath, resting my head on the fence, sitting on the pavement. I was panting really hard and sweat dripped from my forehead.

I brushed my curly brown hair backwards, it was so hot since it was mid July and it was summer time, the jeans and the hoodie I wore wasn't really helping.

I knew I should've worn shorts and a cropped top, but according to dad 'you have to cover up, there're so many hormonal teenage boys out there'

So here I am wearing white jeans and a hoodie, WHITE JEANS!!

No.. No.. No I stood up from where I was sitting, dusting my butt and trying to check for any dirt, unfortunately there was a very big brown smudge on my white jeans.

I tried to cover it with my hoodie but it wasn't long enough.

Arghh! I'm gonna kill Mason when we get home

Speaking of Mason where'd he go? ohh..no double trouble.

I searched everywhere on the street we were but no sign of him. Mum's gonna kill me when we get home.


I've been searching for nearly an hour and no sign of him, and whenever I pass by someone they're always giving this weird look like 'wth is wrong with you?' Look.

Ohh...I know, my butt has big smudge on it


My phone vibrated, indicating that I have a text. I took out my phone from my pocket.

I tapped the notification, to see it was Mason who texted me, he said

Butt face : Don't worry about me I just went over to my friend's house I'll be back by 5. Bye freak

Thank the Lord he's fine...

What about my drink? Never mind, he'll answer me when he comes home.

I walked down the street tired and angry, I'm gonna take a cold bubble bath when I get home, that's what I need right now that I'm feeling dirty and angry.


My phone vibrated again, I checked the notification and it was a message from one of my best friends Liana.

Cutiepie: We have an emergency! You have to come here right now!

Me: what is it?

Cutiepie: just come here!

"No" I groaned, I guess my bubble bath's going to wait. I crossed the road to the other side of the street, then I took a right turn into an estate and walked passed ten houses, then took a left and looked for a yellow mansion. I walked to the door of the yellow mansion and rang the doorbell.

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