02- "I'm not Sorry!"

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Bella's POV

"Bella!" My mom yelled from the kitchen interrupting my beauty sleep.

"Bella!" Mom screamed again, I gathered some strength forcing myself to get up from the bed. 

"What?" I said as I walked into the kitchen, "your dad's boss is going to be here in a few minutes and you've been in bed all day! Go change now!" My mom yelled once again, causing me to jump a little bit, I've never heard her yell like that before.

I quickly ran to my room and took a quick bath and I changed into a yellow blouse and blue jeans, then went downstairs.

By the time I was down stairs, the guests already arrived. The first person I saw was a woman, who I assume is my wife of my dad's boss.

She was very thin and had a model-like body, she wore a white evening gown and a six inch high stilettos, her blonde hair was pulled up into a high bun with braids at each side and her makeup was perfect.

And there was my mom wearing blue jeans and a plain red sweater, feeling totally out of place. 

The next person who came in was my dad's boss, he wore a white long sleeved shirt and black trousers, he didn't look too fancy at all.

The last person reminded me of the most embarrassing day of my highschool life, because she was the mastermind behind the tragic event.


Becky and I hated each other with passion, she's the last person I'd want to be trapped in a room with. I can vividly remember the day she read my diary out to the class in fifth grade and in final year of highschool she exchanged my Oreos with toothpaste Oreos. 

Why is this happening to me?

Finding out the person I loathed the most is related to my dad's boss.

She laughed when she saw me, she's probably going to tell everyone and make my life miserable.

"This is my daughter, Bella," My dad said, snapping me out of my reverie, I put on a fake smile and walked to my dad's side. 

This is going to be a long night.


My dad and his boss were talking in the living room, mom was in the kitchen, while Mrs Johnson and Becky were in the dining room waiting for dinner. 

Mason and I were sitting on the kitchen slab, watching my mom cook and occasionally making fun of each other. 

My mom walked out of the kitchen to get something from the basement. 

"Bella can you show Becky where the toilet is?" My mom said peeking into the kitchen. 

"Sure" I mumbled, like I said me and Becky weren't really good friends, we weren't even friends at all.

I stood from the kitchen slab and walked out of the kitchen.

"Follow me" I said, leading the way. There was a long silence until Becky decided to break it. 

"You didn't have to lie to fit in, look how ordinary this house is and yet you come to school acting like the richest girl in the world. I should have known you're so poor" She said in a really annoying tone that I wanted to cut her head off. 

"I don't want to fight with a fool, can you just shut up and don't say a word to me," I said hoping she's shut her mouth. I was totally taken off-guard when she pulled my curly hair and pushed me to the ground.

What the heck?!

I crawled to her and pulled her leg, I climbed on top of her and pulled her hair harder than she pulled mine. She then scratched me with her sharp nails and bit my neck.

"Ahh!" I yelped in pain, causing our parents to walk in.

"Bella! To your room now!" My dad yelled. 

"I'm not sorry!" I yelled before entering my room. 

I banged my door.

I rushed to my vanity to check if I was bleeding from the way she bit me, I touched my neck, stroking the place where she bit me, it hurt so bad, she bites like a vampire. My arms had a few scratches on it, the back of my head really hurt from the way she pulled it.

"Why did you start a fight Bella?!" My dad barged into my room. 

"I didn't start anything, she was the one who pulled my hair!" I yelled back at him.

"Don't raise your voice at me young lady! You're grounded for one week!"

"She  technically called us poor," I said. 

"Make it two weeks, if you get in trouble again I'll confiscate your phone" He said once more before leaving my room. 

I can't believe he won't listen to me, he knows nothing about the story and he's making it sound like it's all my fault.

"Can I come in?" My mom asked peeking from the door. 

I didn't say a thing but she came in anyways.

"He didn't listen to me," I said, hugging mom. 

"Why did you start a fight with her?" Mom asked. 

Can't they understand I didn't fight her. 

Ok I did.

But I didn't start the fight 

"She called us mediocre, and she was the one who pulled my hair" 

"You don't always have to care about what people say, if she said something bad about us then leave it that way. What's most important is that we know who we are" My mom said smiling at me.

"Thanks mom," I said. 

"Goodnight" She said.

"Goodnight" I said and watched my mom leave, I smiled and lay in my bed, continuing my cotton candy dream. 


"Bella" My mom yelled, just when I was about to take a bite out of my cotton candy, after defeating the vegetable king. 

I scratched my eyes, prying them open; welcomed by the sun ray from my windows causing me to shut them again.

I got out of bed brushed my teeth, washed my face and arranged my bed before going down stairs for breakfast. 

I rushed down the stairs almost tripping but, who cares? I'm really hungry

I joined mum in the kitchen, we were having pancakes and coffee for breakfast, since Mason wasn't allowed to drink coffee he drank milk with his pancakes. 

"Morning mom" I said, pecking her cheek. Then I grabbed three pancakes and went on with making my coffee. When I was done making my coffee, I started eating my pancakes and drinking my coffee. 

Today's breakfast was very awkward mainly because of what happened yesterday, I want to apologize but I'm not at fault and, even if I do, it won't assure that my dad will get the promotion. 

I've been thinking about this long and hard, after what mum told me last night I have decided to apologize. I'm only Apologizing because: Firstly, I hate fighting with my dad. Secondly, he's the one who gives me money and if I need money we have to be in good terms. Lastly it's my last summer in San Bernardino so I want to make it a good one. 

"Dad, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday, I promise it won't happen again" I said letting out a breath of relief. I continued eating, waiting for dad to say something, instead he nodded and left. 

Does that mean I'm forgiven? 

Of course it doesn't, I hated fighting with my family. 

This really got me worried

Is he still mad? 

So many questions left unanswered. 


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