13-He's Proposing

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Bella's POV

Three days... 

Seventy-two hours... 

Four thousand, three hundred and twenty minutes... 

Two hundred and fifty nine thousand, two hundred seconds ago... 

he broke up with me... I've been crying, for those hours, minutes and seconds I haven't slept...

I'm messed up... 

I picked myself up from my bed which I've technically been chained to for those hours, minutes and seconds.

I walked to my bathroom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and took a quick bath. After my bath, I changed into my white uniform and blue jean shorts, picked up my bag and headed for work. 

It's the first time I'd be going to work after three days. The day Adrian broke up with me I asked Liana to cover for me, though she didn't want to, she just had to.

I walked to the bus station, this has actually become a habit for me, since I got so used to walking to the bus station everyday when  my dad was still using my car, I decided to walk to the bus station everyday though I have my car now. It really distracts me from Adrian. 

I arrived at the bus station and took the bus that goes to Santa Ana, I sat at the back beside the window. Resting my head on the window, I tried to sleep and forget Adrian.

We finally arrived at the diner, I got off the bus and smiled at Rose's diner, I missed this place. 

I'm finally back! 

I walked in, greeted by the warm smell of coffee and pastries. I missed that. 

Everyone stared at me, a lot of happy stares, some surprised stares and I didn't miss Stella's wrathful gaze at me. 

I know she hates me and all, but can't she be  happy that her number one archenemy is back, though I'm sure she has thousands.

I smiled, trying to mask the pain I was currently feeling. No one except Ashton and Jessie knew why I wasn't at work for the past three days, even Matt didn't know and I wasn't planning to tell him or anyone else. 

I walked to my duty post, trying to keep a straight face. I smiled at the first customer that came, and began preparing her order. 

This is gonna be a long day....


Today was a very hectic day, maybe the universe hates me. My boyfriend breaks up with me and then a thousand customers decide to show up at work today, someone please kill me. 

"You're finally back, I didn't like the replacement" Matt complained standing beside me, resting on the countertop. 

"Yeah, I'm back!" I said with a bit of enthusiasm. 

"Why'd you leave work?" Matt asked, staring at me. 

"Just needed to settle some family issues" I lied, trying to look normal. 

"Oh you don't have to talk about it" He said with a smile. 

"So... I'm hanging out with a few friends—" He said, but was cut of by a squealing Jessie. 

She walked up to us and pulled me away, I gave Matt an apologetic smile and in return he nodded, I turned back to Jessie who pulled me into the staff lounge. 

"What is it?" I asked as soon as she stopped screaming. 

"You're back finally! Oh my god! I have a lot of news! A lot of things happened while you were gone! I'm sorry about Adrian" I could have handled all the screaming and noise, but why did she have to mention Adrian. 

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