30- Bullets

21 6 15

Bella's POV

Always leaving and never telling me where he's going. I thought we agreed to tell each other the truth, but here he is leaving me again.

He even took the car, how on earth will I go home? It looks like it's going to rain soon. I picked up my phone and cleared the picnic and left for my house.

Walking alone in a forest at night is not easy, I kept hearing noises from different angles. What if there's a snake here?

There are probably snakes here. Little droplets of water started dropping on me, the rain is starting.

I turned on my phone's torch and made my way out of this forest, after a long agonizing walk I finally made it out of the forest safely.  My clothes were soaked with water and I was freezing cold, I tried to walk on the muddy sidewalk of the unfamiliar street without falling, the road was empty and there was hardly anyone here.

After a few minutes of walking cars were finally coming into my view and people were finally on the streets, but they seemed to be in a rush. Everyone in the street was running towards me, they must surely be running from something.

I stood and watched them run, I can't follow them because I don't know where the heck they are headed to and I also need to get home.

I walked towards the opposite direction of the people running, everything was normal until I heard a loud banging noise right beside me. I froze as I tried to recover from the shock of the gunshot, my whole body was stiff and I couldn't move it.

I tried to breathe as hot tears rolled down my cheeks. I felt someone familiar wrap their arms around my waist as they carried me away from the scene.

Ashton finally dropped me under a tree far away from the crime scene. I sat on the floor and let the tears roll down my cheeks, I was too shocked to speak.

"Are you ok?" He asked, checking my body for any bruise.

"Please answer me" He said, kissing my cheeks.

I tried to open my mouth but nothing came out of it, more tears rolled down my cheeks as I gasped for breath.

"Relax, please talk to me, my love" He said.

"Let's get out of here" He said, picking me up and carrying me bridal style to the car.

He placed me on the passenger's seat of his car and sat in the driver's seat and we drove away.

Immediately we arrived at my home, he carried me inside the house. My parents were waiting at the front door.

"What the fuck did you do to my daughter?!" My dad yelled immediately we were inside the house, I've never heard him curse like that before.

"Sir, we went on a date," Ashton said.

"Then why is she soaked?" He asked, angrily.

"Sir, we were...playing under the rain..in..in the park. But she's tired so I'll take her upstairs" Ashton said.

"No! You are leaving now" My dad gritted his teeth.

"Please" I begged as tears rolled down my cheeks one again.

"No, you can't be in a room alone with a boy" My dad complained, if only he knew we've shared a bed multiple times.

"Just for tonight, dad please" I begged.

"Ok" He said defeatedly, "don't get any ideas" My dad said stepping on Ashton's foot.

"Yes sir" He yelped in pain.

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