20- Jealous

46 12 10

Bella's POV
I was awoken by a striking pain in my stomach, I forgot that my period was starting today. It hurts so bad I don't even want you go to work, I'm the type of person who becomes a crying monster during her period.

The cramps hurt so bad and I feel like I'm gonna die, these are one of the downsides of being a girl. I can't even stand from the floor which I rolled onto.

"Honey are you ok?" My mom asked as she stepped into my room. I looked at her as tears rolled down my face.

"Oh my gosh, is it that time of the month? You don't have to got out work today" My mom said, lifting from the floor to my bed.

"I have to or I won't have enough money to buy the computer" I said, weakly.

"It's fine, just tell one of the girl to help you" My mom suggested.

"It's fine, I just need a ride to work" I told her, attempting to stand from the bed, but she held me back.

"You're staying here"

"It's fine, a little exercise will work" I said, standing from the bed. I picked my bag and walked out of the. I bit my lips trying to hold back the tears, why does it have to be so hard to be a girl?

My dad drove me to the diner, I walked into the diner avoiding the weird glances people were throwing towards me. I know I look like a monster with my bloodshot eyes and messy hair but do they really have to make it obvious.

I looked around for Ashton, but didn't find him. Maybe he isn't coming today.

I rushed to my duty post and started serving the drinks and coffees.


Today is the most horrible day of my life.

You say that every time. My horrible brain reminded, and it wasn't wrong. I've been trying to act normal in the eyes of everyone and its not working. I've smiled to the extent that when ever I feel tears well up in my eyes due to the pain, my mouth automatically curves in to a smile.

I excused myself and went to the staff room to fix myself up. I sat on the floor, hugged my knees to my chest and buried my face in between my knees. The pain was so excruciating and I felt like crying.

I sobbed and hugged my knees even closer to my body, I should have just stayed at home.

"Bella? Are you ok?" Matt asked. I lifted my head up and looked at him. He's wearing a white shirt and blue jeans knickers, with blue snickers.

"I'm fine, it's nothing" I replied. "You're the crying, is it Ashton?" He asked. Why the heck would he think that.

"It's not Ashton, I'm just... It's cramps" I said.

"Oh...so it that time of the month, come on let me take you home" He said.

"I don't...Fine" He snaked his arm around my waist while my hand was on his shoulder and we walked out of the staff room. I'm not really comfortable with this position, but I don't think I'll be able to walk.

We walked to his car, I sat in the backseat while he was in the driver's seat. I lay on the chair and slept.

"Wake up" I heard Matt call, waking me from my sleep.

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