28- Truth

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Bella's POV

I can't believe he's finally telling me the truth, he never tells me anything and now he's willing to tell me the story of his life. 

"What happened five years ago?" I asked, immediately we were inside my room. Ashton insisted we'd go home before he told me anything. 

" I was ignoring you because of Matt," Ashton said. I so shook, why would he ignore me because of Matt. 


"He threatened me with a secret I didn't want anyone to know." He said. 

"What's the secret?" I asked. 

"Eighteen years ago I was adopted" He spoke. 

"You already told me that." I said. 

"I was adopted because my foster mom couldn't give birth and she had already been married to my foster father for six years. Two years after I was adopted my mom gave birth to twins, the picture you found in my bedroom was a picture of them" He said. 


"When I was six we were coming home to California from South Carolina, back then I was obsessed with cars and I wanted to learn how to drive, so I told my dad I wanted to drive us home. At first they laughed it off but they became serious when I attempted to turn the steering wheel, they scolded me for it" He said taking a deep breath before continuing. 

"I tried to turn the steering wheel again and this time it was bad. I turned the steering wheel right making us swerve into the river because we were on a bridge" He sigh. 

I gasped, surprised at what he just told me. 

"Unfortunately, the twins were only four and they couldn't swim so they died because of me" He said as a tear rolled down his face. 

I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms around him as I stroked his back. 

"When I was thirteen I had a girlfriend, a secret girlfriend. One night I pressured her to meet me at an alley, she was only eleven years old back then. We met at the alley but then she was raped by some of my friends" He said. My mouth dropped open. 

"Why we're you out at that time of the day? Why did your friends rape her?" I asked. 

"That's a whole nother story on it's own" He replied with a light laugh. 

"I want to know, I promise I'm not going to judge you please tell me what happened" I begged. 

"You have to promise me you won't change your opinion about me after this.  And it won't affect our relationship" He said, I nodded and kissed his hands. 

"After my siblings died, my mom cried a lot and whenever she saw me  it reminded her of the tragedy. I really love her so I didn't want to see her cry, so I decided to avoid them. Whenever she was home I would sneak out of the house until she had gone to sleep" He said. 

"One night I got really hungry and I wasn't home, also didn't have any money to buy food. I sat in the alley and cried as I waited for her bedtime. A man came to me, his name is Fabiano, he asked me what was wrong and I told him the entire story. He said he would give me money if I helped him deliver some things to his friend. I did it and he gave me money" He said, playing with my hair. 

"Ever since that day I helped him and he gave money. I was hanging out with a few of Fabiano's friends, they were drug dealers, they were the ones who raped Lindsey and in the process she died" He said. 

I flinched in my place as I placed my hands on my temples. I knew I said I wanted the truth but this was a lot. 

"Why did you know drug dealers? Is Lindsey related to Matt?" I asked because I remembered when Matt told me his cousin dated Ashton. 

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