34- Criminal

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Ashton's POV

After forcefully collecting the address of the warehouse where Alexander Travaglio hosted his illegal casino Mark and I delivered it to Fabiano, Fabiano and Alexander have been archenemies since their childhood and Fabiano was determined to destroy him. Fabiano had gathered some of his men to assassinate the casino and destroy his illegal business. 

I personally didn't want to be a part of this especially because Bella would get really mad at me if she found out and she's starting to suspect that I might have a connection with Fabiano. 

I've been thinking of telling her for a long time but I just can't find the perfect time, and I'm most scared of how she'll react, I don't want her to hate me.

"Earth to Ashton," Mark said, snapping his fingers in my eyes, I slapped his hand away from my face and continued drinking my Coke. 

"What do you want?" I asked. 

"You've been deep in your thoughts for nearly an hour, what's wrong?" He asked, I ignored him and continued drinking my Coke. 

"Come on, tell me" He said, snatching my Coke. 

"Am I a bad person?" I asked. 

"No, you're not" He said. 

"I feel like I am," I replied, eating a slice of cake from my plate. 

"Why?" He asked, sipping my Coke. 

"Bella doesn't know about me working with Fabiano and each time he calls she gets super suspicious and when she asks if I'm hiding anything for her I always say no, the thing is I really want to tell her the truth but I'm scared of how she's going to react" I explained, taking a bite out of Mark's muffin. 

"If I were you I'd tell her the truth before she finds out in a different way, because if she hears it from you I'd be easier for her to forgive you than when she finds out herself" He said, that's  good advice but with Bella you never know. 

"Thanks for your help," I said, walking away from the counter with Mark's muffin. 

I was approaching a secluded table at the back of the bar when Piper informed me that Fabiano wanted to see me. 

I placed my cake on the table and rushed to his office upstairs, I knocked on the door and walked in. 

"Hey" I said. 

"Sit down" He said, pointing at the chair before me, I walked over to the chair and waited for him to talk. 

"You and Mark did an amazing job today, there's no doubt  both of you are a great team" He said, I nodded my head and allowed him to  continue what he was saying. 

"I want you to help us with our next plan, it's going to be different for your previous mission but it's going to be worthwhile" He said, smiling at me. I don't think I like where this is going. 

"What is this plan?" I asked. 

"You are going to help us assassinate the illegal casino of Alexander Travaglio, people have stopped coming to this bar because they want to check out the new casino" He said. 

"As if I'll agree to that shit, I've told you millions of times that I don't want to have anything to do with your mission. I've always been the messenger and that's all I'll be" I said, standing from the chair as I walked out. 

"You see, no matter how far you run from me I'll always be ahead of you, I know your little secret. Never forget where you're from" He said, making me stop abruptly in front of the door. 

"You don't know anything about me," I said before walking out of his office. 

I ran downstairs as quickly as possible and rushed to my car. 

I need to make sure Bella is ok, he must have tried to do something to her. 

I drove as fast as I could to Bella's home, exceeding every speed limit. At this point I didn't care anymore because if he had done anything to Bella it would be my fault. 

After ten minutes I arrived at Bella's home, I parked my car across the street and walked to Bella's house, I looked for her window and climbed the tree to get to her window. After I had climbed all the way up I knocked on her window until she opened it. 

"Hey" I said, leaning in to kiss her but swerved her face. 

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, wrapping my hands around her waist. She tried to get out of my hold but I won't let go. 

"Why didn't you come to work today?" She asked. 

"I had to run some errands for my parents" I lied and kissed her neck. 

"Are you sure you aren't hiding anything from me?" She asked, I don't think it's the right time to tell her, she doesn't seem too happy so she might not react well. 

"No, I'm not. What makes you think that?" I asked. 

"Because I saw you and Mark pointing a gun at a guy" She said, I was so shocked. She broke free from my grip and waited for me to say something as she cried. 

"So you were following me" I said in realisation that she had been watching me and monitoring my every move. 

"No I've not, is that even what matters right now?"

"Yes it is, why would you follow me?" I asked. 

"I wasn't following you, I was walking home from work and people were shooting not too far away so I hid in a shop and when the shooting stopped I continued my walk home, but on my way I heard Mark's voice and after hearing his voice I saw you holding a gun standing right beside him" She said, so she was the person who hit the trash can. 

"I'm sorry" I said, hoping she would forgive me.

"Why didn't  you tell me?" She asked.

"I was deceived, I swore with my life I was not going to tell a soul" I said.

"What do you mean by deceived? You clearly joined them!" She yelled.

"I'm only a messenger, I didn't even get to know what was in that bag till I was sixteen, I got into a fight with the person I was supposed to deliver it to. Immediately I found out what was inside I told them I won't help anymore, they threatened to kill my parents" I explained.

"Why didn't you call the police?" She asked.

"Fabiano has been in and out of jail several times, he's also wanted in a few countries. He can never be held captive by the police, he'll escape the day he's jailed" I said.

"I'm so confused," She said.

"Please forgive me, I'm sorry" I said, placing my hands on her shoulders.

"Leave please, I really need to think" She said, as she opened her window.

"Please, I love you so much," I said.

 "Leave! I don't wanna see your face" She said. 

"Why?" I asked. 


"Because of what" I asked.

"You're a criminal!" She screamed. 

With that I left her room, that's all I needed to hear to know that she never loved or trusted me.

I guess this is the end.


"I'll do it," I said to Fabiano.

"What's with the sudden change of heart? Is it your girlfriend?" He asked. Fear overwhelmed me at the mention of Bella. 

"I don't have a girlfriend," I said.

"I had my men follow you to her house, she's a pretty girl" He laughed dirtily.

"Don't  you dare touch her" I said, pinning him to the wall.

"Only if she looks for trouble, grab a gun from that cabinet" He said laughing in an evil manner.

"Ok" I said. 

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