16- Day Off

71 15 15

Ashton's POV 

What the fuck is wrong with me? I asked myself, restlessly running my hands through my brown hair. 

Why do I care so much about her being so close to another guy? I've never felt this way about anyone and it bothers me  that I'm suddenly feeling protective over the most annoying yet amazing girl I've ever met. 

"Fuck!" I cursed loudly, watching Spencer finish the task I sent him. I should have been the one punching the hell out of that son of a bitch, Matt. I hated him more than I hated anything in this world and the thought of him trying to kiss Bella made me furious. 

I still don't understand why I didn't beat him up myself, I had to beg Spencer to help me. 

I watched as Bella stared at Spencer with her mouth wide open, she's probably confused. 

After a while she regained her posture, snapped out of her confused state and hit Spencer twice on his cheek, although she had really tiny hands I bet her slap is really painful. From the look on Spencer's face it really hurt. 

I watched as she yelled curses at him, while he stood there staring awkwardly at the ground. I felt awful for making Spencer go through this but I can't change the fact that it had already been done. 

"Dude you owe me big time" Spencer said, when he walked over to where I was. 

"I'm sorry" I said, looking at his red cheek. 

"She has a hand of steel, my face feels like it's burning" He said, caressing his right cheek where Bella hit him. 

"You're lucky she hit you down there like Jessie did when she caught you kissing that hot blonde" Callum said as he patted Spencer's shoulder, laughing. 

"First of all you bag of stupidity, I didn't kiss Morgan she kissed me and I'm not comfortable with you talking about it" Spencer said, through his gritted teeth giving Callum a murderous glare. 

"Sorry! It's not my fault she caught you cheating on her" Callum said, innocently shrugging his shoulders. I could tell Spencer was pissed already. 

Not wanting to hear them bicker or see Callum get mercilessly beat up, my attention zoomed to the gorgeous curly haired beauty who was helping Matt clean up the wound on his face. 

I clenched my fist everytime her hand came in contact with his skin. I wanted to punch the living daylight out of him but I couldn't. I hated seeing her with other guys, especially Matt but I can't do anything to stop it. 

Hell! I don't even know why the fuck I kissed her, I didn't really care about her feelings, all I wanted was the hundred dollar, but after kissing her lips I realised how worthless the hundred dollar was. 

After kissing her for the first time I thought I would forget all about it, but I couldn't, I couldn't stop thinking about her. 

And it scared the crap out of me, I didn't want to feel this way about anyone after what happened the last time. 

I looked at Bella, she was still cleaning up Matt's wound, the idiot smiled when he saw me watching them. I quickly tore my gaze from them and waited for the next customer to pay. 


"What colour do you think suits me, red or blue?" Stella asked, showing me the two what I believe is called bandana top, it barely covered her body. 

How would someone feel comfortable walking around with just a bandana covering their chest? It's Stella, what do you expect?

I don't even know why I agreed to go to the mall with her, I could have just stayed at home and play some video games but I decided to go with this mannequin to the mall, maybe because I wanted to get my mind off the same girl I've thinking about for the past three days. 

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