21- First Date

47 14 8

Bella's POV

"Invite Ashton too"

Those words kept ringing in my head over and over. Earlier today my dad told me that out annual family dinner to celebrate our grandparent's wedding anniversary is going to be held at our house. I was really happy, but my happiness was replaced with fear when my dad said I should invite Ashton.

Ashton meeting my family is my worst nightmare, I love Ashton and I know he's gonna do great, maybe. What I'm scared of is my family, they are very overprotective and sometimes it can be annoying.

I don't think Ashton would like to meet them, I don't think I would like for Ashton to meet them.
They might question him too much or just make him super annoyed.

"Did you hear what I said?" Ashton's deep voice snapped me out of my reverie.

"Yes, I did" I lied.

"No you didn't, is something wrong?" He asked, shifting closer to me on the bed.

"No everything's fine" I lied again.

"Look at me and tell me what's going on" He said, turning my face towards him.

"Ok. Will you come to my annual family dinner with me on Saturday?" I asked, his expressions changed and he let go of my face.

"Why do you what me to come?" He asked.

"My dad told me to invite you, I think he wants you to meet my family" I said, holding his hand.

"You don't have to come i-" I said, but he interrupted.

"It's no problem, I'll come" He said smiling at me. But that smile wasn't genuine, I could tell he was faking it.

"Ok" I said, hugging him.

"What's your favorite thing about California?" He asked. I wonder where that's coming form.

"I don't know... The eateries" I said.

"I think you have an unhealthy obsession with food" He laughed.

"Have you ever been on a date before?" He asked.

"Yes, it was at a French restaurant not too far from my home" I said. "I liked it but my idea of a first date was a lot different from that" I added.

"What do you want it to be like?" Ashton asked, stroking hair.

"I want it to be simple. I want it to be at the beach, with magical lights. Under a shade with home made foods like Frittata, pasta, Spanish omelette and quiche. I want it to be like a picnic but at night." I said.

"It's n-" Ashton's ringtone interrupted. He left my room and answered it, weird. He never leaves my room when he wants to answer his phone, maybe it's something private.

"I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow" He said before leaving.

I nodded placing my head on the pillow thinking about how Ashton meeting my family would turn out. It's most likely for it to turn out great, but there's also a slight possibility it won't.


It's Friday. The day before Ashton meets my family and also the day that makes it three weeks that I've been dating Ashton!

I can't believe it'll soon be our one month anniversary, I can't wait.

Today had been quite boring nothing special, the only thing that made it quite fun was the fact that Ashton has been acting really excited through out today. To be honest, it's scary because he never gets excited easily seeing him excited is scary.

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